Live Wire

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Before I start id like to say that Roger is 16 and Freddie is 30, you may continue.


Rogers POV:

The school bell rang, striking me out of my daze. I quickly shut my sketch book that was covered in Motley Crue fan art and headed to my home room. I shoved my pair of books in my school bag, running as I did so. I flickered my head up and down as I ran down the hall, getting rather concerned looks. I was always in a rush even when I didn't have to be.

Finally I reached my classroom, I self consciously, awkwardly walked over to my usual spot. In the far right corner at the front. I slumped down into my chair, wanting to melt into it. The class soon became louder as more students arrived. Our home group teacher was always late. 

"Hello class! Sorry im late!" The teacher yelled, making the class jump silent. I rolled my eyes back into my head. It was an awful habit I had, but I only did it too show others they're dumb asses. I was the silent kid, I guess, I don't know. That doesn't mean I don't have opinions or a mind, I take more notice of my surroundings you could say. People definitely still annoy me.

"Can I have silence while I do the roll please?" Miss Scherbatsky continued. She flicked her gorgeous brown locks from her face as she opened her laptop, immediately typing violently. "Brian!"

"Here miss."



And the role continued while I doodled more Motley Crue. You could say im a casual fan... Ok im a huge ass fan, probably the biggest. Miss told everyone we could chat quietly after she told us the school notices for the day. Of course I just continued drawing till the bell rang.

The loud siren ran through out the high school, making me snap my book shut and run off too class. I had English first period. Eh not a bad way to start the day. I waltzed timidly in the class room, looking at all the desks. 'Hm which corner looks best?' I thought to myself not letting my eyes leave the empty, lonely seats. Yes I was the first one to class. Suddenly my thoughts snapped away from the room as I felt a body slam into mine.

About to give the biggest death stare to the person that barged into me ever so suddenly, I took a second look at the figure. A tall teenager with legs that ran for miles, fluffy, curly, brown hair was an understatement. He had a beautiful structured face and-

"Oh my god, im so sorry. Let me get those books for you." I looked back down to our feet too see my books sprawled across the floor, I didn't even notice.

"Its fine, I wasn't exactly looking where I was going either." My low voice rasped out, I hadn't spoke once all morning. I dropped down to the floor with him, collecting my books and stationary. He handed me my pencil case. Only for me to realise he was grinning at my sketch book. It was wide open and he was taking notice of the drawings I made. 

"Your art is really cool." He spoke, his eyes not leaving my sketches. I wanted to snatch my book away so bad, but nobody had actually complimented it before. A small smile plastered across my face, my arms getting goose bumps.

"Thank you." I nodded. He handed my book back, standing up too his original height. 

"Sorry, what's your name? I don't think your in my class?"

"Roger, I am. I just sit in the corner of the class." I gestured to the corner, I finally chose to sat at, the usual corner. The far right in the first row. I tucked my long blonde hair behind my ear nervously. 

"Ohh Roger." He nodded as if he only recognised who I am. "I always hear your name in class." His smile shimmered. "Oh im Brian by the way."

"I know." I smirked. "Anyway uh- better get a seat." I waved with a flick of my hand and he waved back, kindly. I think I just made a- a friend? Probably not he was probably just being nice. Yeah, just being nice. Who would want to be friends with me? I plonked down on my seat, my mop of hair covering my face. I looked to my left to see Brian. He was sat at the left corner, first row. Same row as me. He waited patiently with a book in his hands. His satisfaction from the book plastered right across his face. He seemed like a really nice person. Id love to be friends with him, I smiled to myself and my own little thoughts bubbling away in my head.

I played with the edge of my English book. My fingers picking at the white, soft sheets of paper. Total boredom. Another figure entered the classroom, I thought it was just another student. Until I looked up. A black haired man entered the room. His hair was combed back, gel and all. He had a fluffy but neat moustache under his nose. I immediately straightened myself in my seat. I sat up properly, flicking through the next clean page of my book.

"Alright class, I am your new English teacher. As you know Mrs Byers fell pregnant a few months ago. So I will be taking her place." His voice was deep and raspy, hot as fuck. He wore a bright yellow jumper but he pulled the sleeves up to his elbows. Tight, washed out blue jeans hugged his lower body, tightly. He smiled gently at the class and turned to the dark green chalk board, collecting chalk. "My name is, Mr Mercury." He spoke, writing his name on the board, swiftly. "Be aware, this class is a double period."

He asked the class about their weekends. What they did, did they enjoy it, he was extremely sweet. Mr Mercury filled out the role, getting to know everyone's names as he did so. 

"Okay, Roger? Am I right?" He asked, waltzing towards me. His steps were slow, almost seductive. He stared at me directly in the eyes. It was slightly intimidating but my dick sure liked it. I nodded nervously, too anxious to break our intensive stare. "Have you read the novel Gravity's Rainbow?"

"No sir." My voice almost sounded like a whisper, I was nervous. 

"Splendid!" He clapped in my face, making me jump. He giggled a little at my reaction. "Anybody read it?" He twirled in front of the class. He received low, mumbles of 'no' in response from everyone. "Gravity's Rainbow. The book was published in 1973." He spoke writing on the board. "The author was a lovely man named Thomas Pynchon. It features a large cast of characters and is set in Europe just after World War II. Now everyone grab your pens please and copy this down." I grabbed my pen and neatly jotted down the notes on the board. I was humming my favourite song, mumbling the lyrics every now and then. Live Wire by Motley Crue.

Not a bad way to start the day at all...

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