You like Rock?

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I quickly raced to sixth period, of course. I had English with Mr Mercury, I really liked him.

"Rog!" Someone called from behind me, I sighed and turned around impatiently. Brian was running towards me, stumbling over his long lanky legs. "Fucking hell, wait a sec, would ya?" He huffed, catching his breath. I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. Its been a week since I met him, we have been studying in the library at lunch although I got very distracted. "Why the hurry?" He gripped his books tightly, pulling them to his chest waiting for my reply.

"I 'dunno? I like the subject?" His eyebrows furrowed and he chuckled slightly.

"Kay then, les' go." I nodded, turning back to the classroom that waited at the end of the hall. "Can I sit with you this lesson?" He hummed. I don't want to be rude, trust me, I usually am. But its English, I want to stare at sir all lesson and not have the worry of Bri noticing me. "Don't worry, I don't talk." He smiled, gently. His eyes sparkled but with a little dull effect. He is quiet, not as quiet as me. He was really kind, he didn't roll his eyes every five seconds and he genuinely cared for others. He was tall as shit although, above six feet. He loved reading and it was obvious. Every Monday he would show up to home room with a bran new book in his hand, even if he wasn't reading it at the time. He started sitting next to me in home room, which was nice. He wasn't loud or annoying, honestly, he was soft and gentle. I could see his annoyance sometimes, the loud chatters and laughter filling the classroom, completely oblivious to Brian's silent reading. Somehow, he still was nice towards everyone.

I looked back at him and nodded with a tiny smile causing him to reflect my actions. Bri entered the classroom first and I followed, that was until I fell flat on my face.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" I felt warm big hands grip my upper arms. I nodded in a sloppy manner, raising my hand to my face and rubbing my eyes. "Do you need to go to sickbay? Get an icepack?" I fluttered my eyes open to reveal him. His dark hair combed back. His chocolate coloured eyes dazzling but filled with worry. I looked at him, accidentally hesitating, taking in another look at his face.

'Uh um, im fine." I smiled, still rubbing my face. I felt his eyes scan me as I looked down at the floor, sitting with my legs raised to my chest. That's when I realised, im still on the fucking floor. I quickly stumbled up to my feet and so did Mr Mercury, his hands still curled around my arms.

"You sure, your alright?" He put his face close to mine, scanning for any bruises.

"Yes." I nodded my head and his arms fell back to his side. He walked away, revealing Brian standing behind him. He laughed at me a little before I hit his stomach making him crouch.

"Fuck off." I mumbled.

"Oww." He whined. I stared at him for a bit and let out a laugh, falling into my seat. I slapped my books on the desk and waited for Bri to do the same next to me. "Sir?" Bri asked making both Mr Mercury and I look at him. "The book- the book you were talking about. I've read it once or twice before." Sir perked up in his seat, interested and intrigued with Brian.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Yeah actually, its good." Brian got excited. He fucking loved books.

"Yeah? You like English?"

"Favourite subject." Bri replied flipping open his notebook, preparing for the lesson. Im not going to lie, I was kinda' jealous. I liked English. I don't really have a favourite subject. School is school to me. Nothing special. I just wish Mr Mercury was interested with me, at least a little. Not that nothing is special about me, im quite a boring person actually. I unzipped my pencil case, reaching for the closest pen. I doodle on the front of my book, waiting for students to fill the room.

"Motley Crue?" Brian asked, staring at my book cover. I wrote down so many band names and artists, it was hard to recognise my writing. "The beatles, I love them." He spoke still eyeing my book up and down.

I chuckled at him. "Yea, who doesn't." I heard Sir laugh quietly, at my response. A smile plastered across my face.

"What's Motley Crue?" Motley Crue. A new band, you could say. Extremely underrated, I just know they will blow up one day. Become famous with a flick of the wrist. Im waiting to tell everyone, 'I was a fan of them when their first album just came out.' Peoples eyes widen, and giant waves of shock crosses their faces.

"A band. They're my favourite. Nobody really knows about them just yet."

"Rock?" He questions with a smirk.

I smirk back at him. "Of course." We both quietly laugh and for another time I glance up at Mr Mercury. His eyes quickly flicker down too his note book when I glanced at him. Was he looking at me? I fluttered away the thought. Of course he didn't.

"So...", I start. "You like rock?" I question. A noticeable wave of happiness spreads across his face. He is so cute- wait I didn't mean it like tha-

"Love it." He turns his head towards me, looking me in the eye. I cant help but stare at his perfect shaped lips- not in a gay way. No. "It makes me so- just great. In the moment, I don't think about anything else. I listen to the instruments chiming away, instead. I cant wait to start a band- that's if I ever do..." His smooth angelic voice faded away. A small smile still on his lips, he was so genuine. I'm so glad were friends. I'm glad I actually have a friend now. I never really have. I've always been the socially awkward one, the one that disappears in a crowd...again.

I took a look at his, rather big hands. His fingers were long and looked like they could snap in two. "Let me guess... Guitar?" I look up. He glances down, blushing. He nods, his cheeks a rosy light pink. He reaches for a pen, ready to write. He jots down the date at the top left corner.

Soon enough the class fills with students and sir decides to write down the heading for the lesson. Bri and I write with him, intrigued to learn. To be honest, I wasn't really intrigued. I didn't really care. I just don't want to sit in class, bored when I could be writing something that will help me with my future. Its stupid people don't even think about that. Instead they muck around clueless, not know anything about the class, fail, than brag to everyone about their mark. Brag. I don't know why its so cool too be stupid. I always role my eyes at those sort of students. You are literally only at school to learn, that's the point. Its school.

I run out of class, ready to walk home. I was always first to leave last period. I exit the hall, breathing in the lovely fresh air and walking towards the newspapers store. I was keen to get some candy. It was Friday and all. I waltzed inside, ready to try some new candy. I greeted the worker that stood behind the counter with a simple wave and a friendly smile before heading towards the candy isle.

I stood dead in my tracks when I saw who was in front of me. Mr Mercury. It seemed like someone put a brick wall in front of me. I stared blankly, confused and fucking frozen. How the fuck did he even get here so fast. His head twisted in my direction, he saw me.

"Oh Roger." He stood up straight, and looked over at me. I walked over to him, he was looking at magazines.

"Ay sir." I smiled.

"How's your head?" He asked, concern filling his face for a second time.

"Oh its fine.." I glance away, looking at the magazines to my left. Wait he was- he was looking at gay magazines. Holy shi-

"You going okay in class?" Worry filling his voice, he noticed me looking at the magazines. My eyes caught his again, finally dragging my eyes away from one of the magazines.

"Yeah- yeah all good." I cant help but look down at the magazines again.

"You read gay- gay porn?" I stopped myself from jumping back in shock. He just asked a fucking student that. I eye him, looking at him weirdly. What the fuck? He looks awfully uncomfortable. I mean, you don't really say things like that... to anyone. If your gonna ask someone that, your asking for awkwardness. "Oh i'm- shit I'm so sorry Roger. I didn't mean it like that. I just saw you staring at them. I didn't mean it in a- uh strange way." I nod...awkwardly.

"See ya later sir." I mumble before turning around and looking in the next isle.


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