can you hear me now?

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The door creaked loudly as I walked into the dead silent house making me wince. My eyes scrunched along with my bushy blonde eyebrows.

"Where have you been?" My father spoke. I jumped back making my body slam into the red front door, that was now shut.

"Out." I said just above a whisper. I started to walk away before a hand gripped my shoulder and spun me around.

"That didn't answer my question." He squatted on his knees so he could 'reach my height'. "Can you here me now, boy." He mocked at my smallness.

I tried to glare, I tried to look intimidating, I tried to put on my brave face. But really all I could do is let my eyes sink and my body swallow. "The diner."

He stood back up, glaring me down before nodding, giving me approval to race off to my room. 

Little did he know, I was at the park with a 30 year old man, that stunk of sexy cologne. And sure enough, I could never get sick of that scent. 

God knows how long my father will be here for, it could be weeks, it could be months. No shit, I was scared of him even my mother is. But he provides for our house, she cant leave him even though I'm positive she wants too. The fear in her eyes as he calls her name says it all. 

I shut my bedroom door behind me as I flopped onto my soft bed. I pulled a book out, not bothering to look at the cover nor title. As I started reading, a thought occurred to me 'I hadn't read this before.

"Roger!" I snapped my book shut. "There's someone on the phone for you." I leapt of the bed at full speed. Mum chuckled at my speed and handed me the telephone.

"Hi." I said, a little to excited and a little too loud.

"Hello darling." His thick voice rasped. "I know I saw you today and all but I forgot to ask you something." I smile spread across my lips as I looked down and blushed as if he stood in front of me. "Maybe you should come over tomorrow- stay the night."

"I'll have to ask. But definitely, I'll let you know in the morning. How does that sound?" I tried to hide my excitement.

"Splendid. I'll talk to you then Buh-bye."

"Bye Freddie..." I hung up the phone, allowing myself to breath. I walked into my mums room and knocked on the door, my head peeking through.

"Yes dear?" She questioned, taking off her glasses and looking at me.

"I was wondering if I could stay at my mates' tomorrow night?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"You made a friend?" Her face brightened. 

"Ugh- yeah." I spoke, mildly embarrassed.

"Well isn't that just wonderful! Of course you can."

"Thanks mum."

We sat at the park, our legs touching and our faces close, eating a McDonalds cheese burger. We looked out at the scenery of the big bushy trees while the wind blew in my hair.

"Your hair's getting in your face." Freddie chuckled at my dirty blonde hair sprawled across my face while I shoved it in my burger. I laughed at him and rolled my eyes. He nicely tucked my hair behind my ears before it went wild again making him laugh once more.

"Why don't you get hair ties?" He asked.

I shrugged, "That's queer." I only just realised what I said and Freddie looked a bit uncomfortable and awkward now. "No- no, not like that." I smiled, warmly putting my hand over his. His lips raised a bit before falling again and looking a bit upset. "Freddie, I'm sorry-"

"No. I'm sorry. I'm dating a teenager, I need to understand that your still...going through puberty." I whacked his arm and he burst out in laughter.

"Fuck you!" I chuckled, "Dating?" I asked and his eyes found mine once again, embarrassed. 

"Oh god, It just slipped out my mouth. I don't mean literally." He sighed. 

"Its okay." I bit into my burger.

Did he want to date me? I mean I am only a teenager still, but that isn't what's stopping- I mean- what would be stopping us. Right? I really like Freddie, I feel safe around him and his smile is all I care about. I don't care about the homophobes when I'm with him because he was all I could focus on. His lustful dark eyes that looked like they held many secrets and much pain. I wanted to change that, I wanted to better that. I wanted to make him happy, I don't even care about myself at this point. His happiness matters only.

"Finished?" He asked after I finished my burger half an hour later. I nodded and we stood up as I took the picnic blanket. 

"What are we gonna do at yours?" I asked innocently. Without warning Freddie slid his hand into the back pocket of my jeans making me squeal. He squeezed my ass a little and started kneading it, gently.

"Is this okay?" He asked me before answering my question. 


"I could give you a little tour of the house, so you know when you come over in future. We can order dinner later and eat at home. You can sleep in my bed if you want or there is a spare room next to mine. Watch a movie? How does that sound?" His voice was so thick and soothing, I just wanted to melt into him. I leaned my head on his upper arm and gripped on it, breathing in his scent. Once again, he squeezed my ass in a loving way and kissed the top of my head.

At this point I didn't even know what we are!  I don't know what to classify us as. Not everything needs a label, it doesn't matter. However my mind always drifts off and starts to think about it. I want to claim him mine. Although I don't believe in owning a person and acting like they're your object. Because you don't own them and they're not yours.

But I want to be his.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now