actions speak louder than words

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I felt a soft nudge on my left lower arm and my eyes slowly fluttered open. I groaned a little while I stirred in my seat.

"We're about to land, darling." Freddie hummed in my ear. I nodded slowly and pushed myself up, getting ready for the rough landing. "You were asleep the whole flight." I chuckled a little and pecked his cheek.

"I'm so horny, Freddie." I quietly groaned in his ear. He smirked and look down at my crotch.

"Hmm I don't see a boner?" I nuzzled my head in his arm. 

"But I want you to fill me up right now. Hey, maybe we can do it in the toilet." 

"Roger!" He scolded. I giggled and kissed his chest, breathing in his cologne. 

"Mmm you smell nice." He laughed a bit and kissed the top of my head.

Freddie said he had a place for us ready to live in.  It was a small little flat in a unit block that was tucked away, apparently. It was supposed to be cosy but he had no idea what to expect. He called a real estate agent in Amsterdam and described what we wanted so we were both very excited. 

"Once we settle in we can get some furniture and decorate the place." He smiled.

"How many rooms is it?" I randomly asked, he frowned a bit. I would too, it was kind of a random question.


"I just wanted to know if we were sharing a room or not." I mumbled, getting my bag ready for our landing.

"If you feel comfortable. I don't wanna push you into anything you don't want to do. You are a teenager and I understand if you would like some personal space." He somehow managed to say that in the sweetest way possible. I smiled at him and kissed his lips gently.

"Course I want to share a room with you, silly." I laughed.

We abruptly landed and my eyes scanned the airport in excitement. It was just an airport, they were all the same. Some were better than others but that was about it. I didn't care though, this was now my home and I want to get to know every part of it as soon as possible. Freddie squeezed my shoulder gently, watching the excitement fill my face.


Freddie and I stumbled up the stairs to our new home, giggling away. He held the key in his hand and looked at me.

"Is it gonna open itself?" I laughed and he smiled once again, immediately shoving the key in the keyhole. The brown wooden door flung open and my eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I ran inside dumping our bags in the corner of the tiny hallway. "Hello!" I yelled through the empty flat, hearing my voice create an echo. 

"What are you doing, you doofus." Freddie laughed. I smiled in awe and kissed him passionately. 

"Oh my god! I love it!" I screamed, trying to run through the flat. The units walls were covered in a pale peach paint through the whole flat. The tiles were square and fairly large, they were peach as well but Ombre from a dark peach to a lighter peach tone. It was very cosy, considering the fact we had no furniture in it yet. 

"Oh my god the peach is just dreadful." Freddie sighed, disappointed.

"What!? I think its lovely! It has so much character. Imagine how nice it'll be once we move in furniture." I hummed and he nodded, acting convinced. "God Freddie. I love it." 

He smiled and walked over to his suitcase pulling out a small box. "Wanna sleep in our room tonight? Which room do you want" He asked, pulling out an inflatable mattress. I ran down another small hallway and inspected the two rooms. One room was at the front of the hallway on the right and the other was on the left at the very back. The first room was nice but a bit to small for my liking. I waltzed into the other room and I swear I almost drooled. One wall was forest green, complimenting the soft peach. And the room was rather large. 

"Fred!" I yelled. I heard his footsteps come down the hallway. "I like this one?" I more asked than stated. He scanned the room and a small smile tugged on his lips. I cuddled him, leaning my head on his broad chest, closing my eyes and rocking us.

"Beautiful." He breathed. I reached up and pressed my lips against his gently. Tasting him and sucking his bottom lip. Fuck he was so hot. He slowly pulled away.

"Wanna help me set up the mattress?" I nodded and started to spread the bed out. "We have sheets and a doona, just not any pillows but I don't think we need any for tonight. The mattress is actually pretty comfortable and we can buy some pillows tomorrow. Order a bed and start looking for some furniture. How does that sound?"

"Lovely. The kitchen is nice and a good size." I spoke and he glanced up at the kitchen.

"Yeah it is actually. Hopefully we have some nice neighbours to. Once we get more settled we can go meet some." I nodded along as he continued to talk. I couldn't stop thinking about him slamming into me though. When he finished talking he brought out a pump from the small box. It honestly looked useless, judging by the size of the thing. He stood on it and grabbed the top of the pump and started thrusting his arms up and down, working hard. I stared at his muscles, tensing and untensing, letting myself get slightly turned on. He soon started to sweat, he was almost done blowing up the mattress. He wasn't sweating much nor was he huffing and puffing. But he had a couple droplets forming on his forehead while his lips pursed out, focusing. His arms violently pumping up and down over and over, the veins on his arms popping out slightly. I may have been getting a bit hot and bothered in here as well.

"Fred." He looked up, slowing his pumping motion.

"God I hate that name. Please call me something better than Fred." He laughed.

"I want you to pump my cock like that." I raised my eyebrows and he stopped the pumping motion.

"You horny git." He laughed. He pulled out the cord and quickly sealed the mattress with its cap. 

"Please fuck me right now." I eventually moaned out. His eyebrows raised and he smirked a little.

"What if the mattress pops?"

"What if it doesn't?" He rolled his eyes and ushered me over on the mattress. I excitedly hopped on and laid flat on my back. Mind you we were still in the living room. 

"Already a bit excited are we?" He referenced at my large bulge. I nodded with a giggle. He hovered on top of me and stared into my eyes. He squeezed my cock through my pants without notice and I screeched a little. My head flinging back and my hips bucking into his hand. "Uh Roger?" He suddenly became shy and I started to worry a little.

"Yeah baby?" I slowly sat up.

"Can I make love to you?" He awkwardly asked. I don't blame him, it was fucking cringe. But I did want him to. I nodded with a warm smile. "I wanna show you how beautiful you are."

"Actions speak louder than words." He whispered.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now