im hot to stop

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6 Days After Coming Home

"There was something in the air that night..." A voice appeared, making me stir in my sleep. "The stars were bright..."

"Briaaaaannn." I groaned, clearly wanting sleep.

"They were shining there for you and me!" Brian immediately yelled, welcoming himself to jump on my bed. 

"BRIAN!" I screamed.

"FOR LIBERTY FERNANDO! SING IT WITH ME ROG!" He started to sing the last line and I honestly wanted to kill myself at that point.


"IF I HAD TO DO THE SAME AGAIN! I WOULD MY FRIEND, FERNANDOOOOOOO!" He flopped onto the bed, landing on my small frame which made me shriek.

"What the fuck, Bri?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"We're going to Roller Disco tonight!"

"Ew!? I thought you said you liked rock?"

"Mum's staying the night and leaving again tomorrow, she wants to go."

"Your mum....roller disco's?" What the fuck? He laughed a little with a nod. "Jesus..."

"Come downstairs! I'm making brekky." He smiled, leaving my messy room.

It was weird, we haven't even bothered to talk about us having sex... I mean, we had sex! It's definitely not something you can easily forget, we were completely sober. And knowing Bri, he wouldn't forget. The thought wouldn't leave my mind, three days ago I imagined us having sex while he was trying to have a normal conversation with me. It's been on my mind way too much. Did I like him? Yes, I liked him a lot. I'm with Freddie though... I love Freddie but at this point neither of us had a clue whether our relationship was going to survive. I can't even speak to him for God's sake and I've been missing him like crazy. Through all of this I should admit that my love for him is very slowly starting to fade. I really didn't want it to. 

"Whatcha' making'?" I asked, pulling my hoodie over my naked torso. I saw Brian's almond eyes lurk for a moment until he turned away.

"Eggs and avo' with feta." He smiled, sliding me my dish.

"It looks so good, Bri." And smelt amazing! "Whens your mum coming?"

"She's meeting us at the disco. She wants to see some guy and will shower and get ready at his, I think." He rolled his eyes, picking at his food.

"Whats her name?"

"Ruth." I nodded, he seemed a little tense about the simple themed subject so I decided not to mention more about it. I wonder what his mum was like. She clearly seems not worried about Brian living alone for long period of time. It didn't seem Ruth visited often. 

Once we finished breakfast we decided to go shoot some hoops on Bri's driveway.

"ROGER!" Brian screamed while I broke his concentration of continuously bouncing the basketball. I smoothly knocked it out of his hands and tried to impersonate a slam dunk as I scored.  "How the fuck are you so good at basketball, you're small and don't even own a net."

"My penis is very big, thanks Bri." I stirred while he rolled his eyes.

"Well yes, but your body isn't."

"Oh really, you wanna go!?" I threw the ball at his stomach and he crouched slightly with a tiny grunt.

"Oh you're dead, Taylor!" He ran at me, tackling me to the ground making me squeal and roll around on the pavement. I tried to crawl away from him as he hogged my back. I quickly flipped over so our torsos were pressed against another. I was ready to jump up until I realised the position we were in. Our yelling, squealing, screams- our loud racket stopped as we stared into each others eyes. I wasn't able to be in control as his body was sprawled across mine, making me gaze into his beautiful hazel, glazed eyes. Before I knew it, Brian pushed his soft, soft lips on mine. Due to my surprise I didn't react to the continuous movement against my lips for a couple moments. Eventually I did. It was soft, not rough or passionate, just soft. It was extremely beautiful in my opinion.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now