good golly!

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{trigger warning; rape, assault- I don't really know}

I nervously walked into my first class, science. As I walked in I saw Brian, ushering for me to sit next to him. 

"Hey." He said, not taking his eyes off his notebook. He quickly scribbled the title for todays lesson, Astronomy! I rolled my eyes at the enthusiasm noted on the paper.

"You like astronomy?" I ask, opening my book and starting to scribble the same title- with less excitement.

"Ugh its the best." He groaned, chuckling slightly. I nodded my head. "Its just so interesting, isn't it?" He turned to me and I looked up. "Like- wow, this!," he gestured to the title, "is happening right now! We are on a planet, with water and there's billions of us!" I nodded my head once again, this time my eyes had widened, making it obvious I was not very fascinated with the subject matter. He rolled his eyes at the expression spread across my face. 

"Sooooo fascinating Bri! Good Golly!" I shrieked in nothing but sarcasm. He stared at me with dead eyes before lighting right back up.

"What were you and Mr. Mercury doing at the café the other day? I saw you sitting together?" I gulped, hard. My face started to tingle, threatening to burn.

"We ran into each other at the café- he asked for me to sit. Wait- what were you doing in my side of town?" My eyebrows furrowed and he quickly looked away, making me more suspicious.

"Wanted to explore. I don't know." He mumbled.

"Riiiiiight..." My voice leaked with curious thoughts.


I threw off the paper bag that covered my burger, tightly wrapped. I raced to my seat, out front of the library. I peeled the wrapper off and started munching on the rather dry burger. Why was I sitting alone at lunch while hundreds of kids laughed and talked around me? I don't know. I'm a sad motherfucker. I flipped open my English book- I always carried my books for each class of the day, all day. I honestly cant be bothered going back and forth to my locker. 

Getting a book, putting a book back. Getting lunch, putting a book back. Getting a book-

"Hey, beautiful." My eyes left my burger and found my English teacher.

"Hi." I chuckled and he laughed back.

"How's school going? Why are you alone?" He nudged my arm, taking a seat across from me. I simply shrugged at his question and continued watching everyone run around.

"Everyone here is just- not- I don't know." I sighed, wiping my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong." His hand found my plump cheek. The feeling warming me but also my cheek, that was before I wacked his hand away.  

"Freddie, we're at school." I stared and he jerked his hand back.


"Its okay. How's your day?" You see that? I can change the subject so quickly without anyone even realising it. I've always been good at that because of my childhood...

"Mummy!" I yelled. My small hands twisting the rusty door knob, entering the stone cold silent house. "Mum?" I  walked around downstairs. No noise. No one. I scratched my head in thought. Where could she be? My little mind wondered. I slowly put my school bag down and ran up the carpet covered stairs. The soft fuzziness between my tiny toes. I jumped on my bed, reaching for a book above my bed. I slowly started to read by myself, then speaking out loud. Changing the voices for each character, giggling to myself. 

Once I decided I had read enough of that book, I pulled out another, then another, then another. I didn't even realise the sky started to darken and the sun starting to set, the moon rising. I just kept reading.

"Wooooahhhh." I mumbled, looking out my window. Surprised of how much time had passed but where was mum? "MUMMY!" I screamed, little tears starting to form in my eyes, each one pricking.

Finally a noise was made. I jumped, it was loud and more like a thud than anything with a little oof. I was alert and extremely scared, I didn't dare to go downstairs. Before slipping underneath the bed, I neatly put the last book I read back in place. My little fists clenched in fear, my voice whimpered and my breath fastened. 

"Mick!" My mother yelled, making me jump, causing me to hit my head on the bottom of my bed. I rubbed it and continued listening to the ratter. 

"SHUT UP!" My fathers hoarse voice yelled, making the whole house shake.

"Roger is probably upstairs! Keep it down!"

"What!? He's a man!"

"He's ten years old!" Hot, wet tears streamed down my face, I couldn't even be bothered to wipe them.

"BEND OVER SLUT!" My mother cried and a loud smack echoed through the house. "I SAID BEND OVER." Loud rustles filled the house.

"Please don't!" 


"AH!" She screamed again. "Stopstopstopstop." She whimpered, the fear in her voice scaring me.

"This is what you want isn't it?" He grunted while loud cries filled the house.

"Stop it. Please stop..."

I covered my mouth while the house fell silent, followed by small little noises. My hands found my face while soft cries escaped my mouth. 'Please stop.' The words repeating in my head.

A few hours had passed and I hadn't left my room.

"Hey honey." My mum smiled and my whole face lit up. Her hair was scruffy and her flowy, puffy baby pink dress was twisted in all the wrong places. Her eyes were swollen and red. She patted her hair down, ordering it to fall in its natural place- it didn't work.

"Are you okay?" My voice trembled. She smiled- kind of.

"Oooo this looks interesting!" She grabbed one of my books from the floor, making me notice the bruises that recently appeared on her wrist. "Have you read it yet?"

"Uh yeah, Its really good!" She flipped the book over, looking at the synopsis.

"How was your day?"  

"Wow, you really think I'm that easy? What's wrong?" Freddie smiled.

"Are you my teacher?" I asked, slurping my milkshake. "What if someone finds out?" I whispered and he scratched his nose.

"They wont..."

"What if they do?" I whisper shouted. "We hooked up." I rubbed my eyes and he looked down.

"It wasn't anymore than that? Did it mean anything to you?" 

"Of course it did. It meant everything, it was my first time..." I sighed and he nodded.

"Roger, if you think I just wanted to have sex with you then leave... I didn't- I don't."

His hand found my knee under the table and he rubbed it with his thumb reassurangly. "It meant a lot to me."

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now