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3 Days after leaving home.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what went on with you and that older man!?" My mum screamed at me, immediately losing her temper at the potato in her hand. She threw the vegetable in the kitchen sink, glaring at it. I sat on the bar stool in utter shock, feeling rather stiff for my comfort. I didn't really know whether to say anything but she looked so fucking angry, I was scared what would happen if I didn't.

"I ran away with him..." I sighed, I didn't want to admit I was a fag. I didn't even want to admit Freddie and I fought before I left. I can't even visit him because he's trapped in a cell, in fucking Amsterdam. How do you tell someone you're gay, let alone your own mother.

"Why, Roger!?"

"I'M GAY!" I screamed making the room drop silent. I raised my hand to my cheek, holy shit. I didn't dare to look into her eyes. "I'm gay..." I slowly started to cry. She didn't say one wor-

"Get out."


"How dare you like men! How dare you think about men in that way, Roger. We didn't raise you that way. We have done everything for you and this is how you act. We even took you to church!" I gasped slightly, my mouth gaping a little. I knew she wouldn't be happy but I didn't think she would kick me out.

"So you're kicking me out, just because I like the same gender." She nodded.

"What the fuck!? You're kicking your own son out!? Where am I gonna go!?"

"I would say Brian's, but he probably wouldn't want a fag living under his roof, the poor boy." My blue icy eyes pierced into her evil ones.

"At least I can get cock, unlike you." I muttered, making her expression change to a shocking manner. "I came back here three days ago, you're already kicking me out." I chuckled, jogging up the stairs and packing a bag. Warm tears streamed down my plump sad cheeks. I dialled Brian's number, continuing to shove my clothes in the suitcase I once brung with me to Amsterdam. 


"Oh Rog, how are you?" He asked a little awkwardly after our last...encounter.

"Not so good, I actually wanted to ask you something." I maintained to keep a steady voice.

"Whats up?"

"Could I stay at yours for a few nights, just until I find some place to live?"


"I'll explain when I get to yours."

"Okay, stay as long as you'd like, Rog."

"Thank you." I slammed the phone down, happy with the amount I packed until something caught my eye. The picture of Freddie and I, the one Donna took in our apartment, resting on my cabinet... I slowly dragged my feet and picked up the lovingly photo. More tears threatened to fall as my hands shook. I missed him...

I threw the photo in anger and loudly pushed my cabinet, falling to the floor. "Fuck you..." I mumbled, letting the tears stream down my swollen cheeks. I picked the photo up again, this time shoving it into my pocket and making an exit. I didn't even bother to say goodbye to my mother, she doesn't deserve a goodbye.

"Rog..." Brian breathed, sighing amongst the cold air. "Come, get inside. Its fucking freezing." I scooted passed Bri meanwhile he shut the door behind me. "Tea?" I nodded and jumped on a stool bench. He paced around in the kitchen, searching for the sugar. Once he finally found the jar he decided to ask about my situation. "Are you okay, mate? What's going on? Why don't you have a place to stay?"

"Stay with me."


"I love your ass..."



"Roger, you nitwit!"

"AH!" I screamed in hysterics followed by Brian's loud cackling. "Fuck." I mumbled.

"What the fuck were you doing!?" He laughed once again, hitting the back of my head. 


"You were day dreaming." He shook his head with yet another chuckle making me smile a bit. "So what happened at home?"

"I told my mum..." He stared into my eyes, searching for an answer.

"Told her what, Rog?" My eyes started to burn slightly while the room tensed. I didn't even want to admit I was gay to myself. After all that's happened, I just hate that word. Gay

"I'm gay, Bri." I spoke as in a way he didn't know, he definitely knew.

"Aw Rog..." He noticed my eyes become glass. He grasped me in a warming hug. Bri gave the best hugs. "I know it's hard. I'm glad you told me." He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. I bobbed my head with a small smile. "You don't like admitting that, do you?" Why does he read my mind like that!?

"Admit what?" I played dumb.

"That you're gay. The word scares you, doesn't it?" I nodded which made him feel the need to stroke my cheek. "Did she kick you out?"


"Please stay with me-"

"Brian, I couldn't just live with you. What about your mum? She wouldn't want me here."

"Oh please, she's never home! She's constantly travelling or out on work. And she would be more than happy."

"So you're always alone? How can you afford it?"

"Mum puts heaps of money in my bank, Rog. Heaps. She's an artist, you know. She gets a lot. I could easily afford you here."

"Are you sur-"

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be trying to convince you that my mum gets a lot." We laughed a little. 

"Oh god, I'd love to! Thank you, Bri!" I wrapped my arms around him once again, I was so grateful, he was such a perfect friend. 

"Lets set up your stuff!" We ran up the stairs, ditching our hot teas. "We have a spare room, so this is now your new room!" He ran into the room being a dickhead, flapping his arms, almost falling over his long legs. I threw my bag on the bed that was now officially mine. "Do you have decor from your old room you want here?" 

"Yeah I'll get it tomorrow!"



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