but I couldn't

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Roger and I were currently browsing through some op-shops for cheap furniture. I honestly could buy bran new furniture but Roger insisted. He also said he wanted the flat to have character and not have a 'basic 80's look'- whatever the fuck that meant anyway.

"Mmm, Freddie, this is nice." He exclaimed after he flopped onto the couch. I walked up to him, judging the green and yellow striped couch before sitting in it.

"Comfortable but not uh nice looking." I worded awkwardly. He leaned forward so he could look into my eyes.

"Why is that?"

"Because its green and yellow." I had to stifle a laugh. He frowned. "What!? Its ugly!" I yelled making customers turn their heads in Rogers and I's direction. "Sorry..." I mumbled. He aggressively pulled his glasses off his face.

"Fuck you, then." He grumbled, getting up and storming off somewhere.

"Ohhh Rog! Don't be like that!" I called out yet he didn't look back. I rolled my eyes playfully before chasing him. Honestly men's egos are so big and its even worse when they're teenagers, to be honest.

It had been a week since we moved in. We've done some grocery shopping and ordered a bed which should be arriving in a few days. I still felt bad. I felt bad that I took a sixteen year-old from a happy family. No consideration or anything. I have never been this selfish in my life. Yes it was worth it but that doesn't make the situation any better. I wanted to tell somebody how I felt.

But I couldn't.


"Want some noodles?" Roger hummed when I came out of our room.

"That'd be nice." I smiled, sitting on the bar stool that was still very new. 

We ended up settling on a couch. It was a soft lime colour and was a fairly big size. We also threw some maroon coloured pillows that had little festive patterns on them on the couch. It matched well. The flat was already coming together.

"Your noodles." He slid them over the kitchen counter and I made a little noise in response to say thank you. He was no longer moody now either. Once we got home and he had a shower he warmed back up to me. I hope he wouldn't be like that when he was older though. I didn't want him being moody one minute and acting as if nothing happened the next.

"Sorry about me cracking the shits earlier." My eyes flickered up at him. I'm glad he decided to say something about it. "I'm just grumpy because..." His voice drifted off.


"Because I'm horny, Fred. I need some sort of action, its driving me insane. I get moody when I haven't done anything in a while." It seemed like that name would stick.

"We 'did it' three days ago?"

"Exactly!" What? "Three fucking days ago! That's so long!" He definitely was a horny one.

"I would give u a blowie', but I am enjoying my noodles." I reasoned, sarcastically. "Why don't you just jerk off? You could jerk off in the shower or in our room or something." I asked, blowing on my food.

"Wouldn't that weird you out?"

"No! What the hell, Rog! You're a teenager, my god. I know how hard it is."

"Yeah but I get horny late at night too..."

"Just jerk off in our room? You can go to the bathroom if you're uncomfortable. I don't mind, Rog. I'm sorry baby, I'll suck you off everyday. How does that sound?" He laughed a bit. "Whenever you have needs just tell me, okay? Don't be shy, I'll help." He nodded and kissed me on the cheek, walking to our room. Probably to jack off.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now