de do do do, de da da da

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(Disclamer; the 'hub' and the 'diner' are the same place in this story in case you get confused! x)


"Oh darling! Please believe me, I'll never do you no harm! Believe me when I tell you I'll never do you no harm..."

I sang along with the turntable as I made myself a warm 'cuppa. I dragged my fingers through my knotty hair, trying to get some of the knots out yet it only made it worse. I sighed, giving up before sitting down to drink my warm beverage.

"Morning darling, you're up early." My mum chirped, rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I'm always up early?" I rolled my eyes and she frowned at me.

"Anything planned for today?" She asked making her own tea.

"Yeah- I'm meeting Bri at the hub and then we're gonna stay at his for the night." I lied.


"Friend from school." She nodded taking a seat beside me and patting my messy hair.

"Roger, your hair needs a good load of conditioner for those knots." She scolded. "Why don't you brush your hair? Its so beautiful, please take care of it, honey." I shrugged taking the last gulp of my tea.

"Bye mum, I'll be back this arvo to get some clothes." She nodded and waved.


"What took you so damn long?" Brian asked from our favourite booth, taking a sip from a glassbottle of Coca-Cola. I sat down, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"My mum wanted to talk." I yawned, pulling out my wallet and emptying the coins on the table. I grabbed a 0.5£ coin and raced off to the counter, getting myself an icy cold coke.

"They have Space Invaders!" Brian almost yelled making me crack into a grin. "I've already played it like 50 times." He pointed out the bran new shiny video game. I couldn't wait to play it later. "A bloody classic."

"Brian, you only like it because your a nerd that is obsessed with space." I reasoned when 'De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da' by The Police came on and I started slowly thrashing my shoulders at Bri who uncomfortably sat across from me.

"Excuse me, EVERYONE likes Space Invaders. How dare you disrespect me- no Space- no us like that Rog." He dramatically sighed, sipping his coke. I giggled at his spurt of sarcasm. It was definitely obvious he was a nerd. He wore a white shirt with the NASA logo covering his chest and bell bottom jeans that were a washed out blue colour and to top it off, a white pair of hideous clogs. Very different to my outfit. I wore black pleather pants that had strings at the sides, criss-crossing downwards. Black platform boots with bulky heels, big and intimidating unlike my small silhouette. And of course I wore a Led Zeppelin shirt from the concert in 1977. That was an amazing night.


I knock on the front wooden door of the flat, waiting for my boyfriend to greet me.

"Hi darling." He pulls my body into his with a loving kiss on the lips.

"Hi babe." I hang my coat on the coat rack with a smile. He wraps his arms around me from behind making me giggle. He kisses the top of my head before pulling away and heading towards the kitchen.

"I am not the best cook, however, I can make pasta including the sauce from scratch." He points, defending himself before I have a chance to say anything.

"It smells lovely, Freddie." It really did. I could smell the beautiful fresh herbs blended with the tomato sauce. I walked over to the sauce pan, trying to get a better sense of smell. "God I cant wait." He grins at me before kissing me again. "Oh also I brought some Jenga! You probably don't wanna play board games but I thought it would be nice after dinner instead of sitting around watching television. I don't want to get to involved with technology." I hear him chuckle at me and hug me from behind once again.

"Sounds fabulous." I place the box of Jenga on the kitchen bench, bending doing so, not noticing Freddie is still pressed against me. "Mmm..." He moaned. I whacked his arm, chuckling.

"After dinner, you horny git!"

"I'm not the one who had a wet dream." He raises his eyebrows, while I look back at him with a stone cold expression. He rolls his eyes before pressing against me once again. This time my eyes shut and I give in to the feeling. "Ever had kitchen sex?" He asks.

"I lost my virginity to you, twat. I don't want to get tired before dinner, Freddie. Jack off or something." I flicked my hand at him, he holds me tighter.

"Can I rub against you?" I sigh with a nod. I let him do his business while I stay still, perking my ass out. I flick through the newspaper that was on the bench, pretending to read when I couldn't focus because his huge cock was pushing against me. I feel his hips stutter and him grunt loudly. I reach my hand down to his bulge and rub him through his orgasm. I leave a peck on his lips before setting the table. "Thanks babe." I smile back at him while he dishes our dinner.

The room is silent besides the clanking of our cutlery banging against the bowls.

"Freddie?" He lifts his head up, looking into my eyes.

"Do you want to run away with me?" I ask again. He looks down, stopping his munching, deep in thought.

"Roger...our relationship is moving really fast." He was right. It was moving fast. If we ran away together we would move in together. We didn't know each other that well either. It was still a fairly new relationship and it is bad if we rush into it fast. But how do we know its a bad thing; it could be really good for us. I was glad he was being thoughtful but at the same time I didn't want him to think- I wanted him to scream yes.

"This could be really good for us."


"This might help our relationship!"


"I don't care about my parents, I care about us!"

"ROGER!" He yelled, making me drop my fork and shut right up. He rubbed his face with the palms of his hands aggressively, making me a little frightened- I've never seen him angry. He looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Sorry, I just- I don't want to do this and have you regret it. This is new for you- you've never been in a relationship before and I don't want to screw up your life." He spoke softly. I looked down at my food, tears threatening to fall but all I could do was sigh.

"Do you want to run away with me?" I ask for the third time. He nods with a small smile pulling through.

"What are we waiting for?"

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now