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Freddie's POV:

I uncomfortably sat at my wooden desk. I shuffled around constantly, my butt going numb every few seconds, making me groan in displeasure. I flicked my wrist and checked my squeaky clean watch. seven-am, great. I started coming to class early, I could never sleep and when I did, it was always at the wrong time. My mind fizzled with ideas, 'what do I do now?'. Without thinking I picked up my diary and started writing random words. 



Don't take it away.

Where were these words coming from? I pinched the bridge of my nose, thinking back to my childhood...


"Farrokh! You will never get anywhere trying to be someone you're not!" My father yelled, suddenly, startling the whole dinner table. My head lowered and my eyes sank to my salad like it called me a 'bitch'. I hesitantly left the table, ignoring the calls from my mother, telling me to finish my food. I slammed my bedroom door behind me as hot tears slowly trickled down my sculptured cheeks. I let the tears fall but I didn't once scrunch my face instead my hands covered my eyes and now wet face. I let a deep unsatisfied sigh escape my puckered, plump lips.

I wanted to be a song writer. I didn't want to be a teacher...

"Mr Mercury?" I jumped in my seat at the voice and my head snapped to the door way. Roger awkwardly stood there, his school books in one of his hands and his hair messier than yesterday.

"Hi Roger, what can I do for you?" I smiled, trying to cover my feelings and act normal. His eyes were my favourite part about him. They were doughy and big, they glistened with shimmer just like the ocean and his eyelashes were long, dark and thick- probably just like his huge co-

"Uh nothing, really but I was just wondering if you could recommend any good books?" He flicked his long locks away from his face and stared into my eyes. My mind raced with thoughts- any good books?

"What genre are you looking for?"

"Horror? Thriller? Romance..." His voice gradually lowered, just above a whisper.

"I think you will enjoy 'The Rainbow Pattern' by Victoria Canning." I put simply and continued flipping through my diary. I noticed him staring at me in the corner of my eye so I turned back around. He shrugged impatiently, waiting for me to give more description. "Oh well, This is a split-level story with two people kidnapping prominent officials, while at the same time, an elderly woman is trying to bring the missing elements of her family together before she dies. There's  no connection, but, as a lovable and charismatic psychic and her jack-of-all-trades partner seek the whereabouts of a man who disappeared years ago."

"Oh, thanks Mr Mercury." He nodded awkwardly with a small smile. 

"What are you doing at school so early?" I leaned back in my chair.

"I 'dunno, I felt like going for a walk early this morning." 

"Do you maybe wanna sit in here for a bit. The library's not open yet." I smiled and he returned a smile back.

"Yeah." He sat down at the same desk he goes to every lesson. I watched him, carefully, he plonked his books on the floor, except one. I stared at him while he flipped through a few pages, reached for a pencil and he started doodling. Well not really doodling- drawing. His hand softly wrapped around the pencil meanwhile he softly stared at the white blank paper in front of him. His eyes rested a bit, in a soothing way, once he knew exactly what he was doing. My eyes followed his actions until his blissful eyes met mine. Instead of turning away because of embarrassment, I simply stared and he did the exact same. A soft smile appeared on my face and I felt like I was in high school again- not as a teacher, until someone ran into the room.

"Roger!" Both of our heads spun faster than a bowling ball. "I've been looking everywhere for you. Hi Mr Mercury. Anyway Rog I need to talk to you...about yesterday." Brian spoke, huffing and puffing. Rogers body tensed and his knuckles turned white- he was no longer gently holding that pencil.

"Sure." He mumbled, looking down and escaping the room. I continued going through my daily planner as I heard muffled bickering going on just near the door...

Rogers POV;

"Please forgive me, Rog. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Yes you did Brian! I saw the smile on your face when I said I would go to your place!" His arms shot up in front of him in confusion, like someone was about to fall into his arms. His face scrunched and his eyes rolled at the statement.

"No I-"

"Yes you did! Just admit it for gods sakes. You haven't even came to terms that your queer!" My voice raised.

"What!? How the fuck do you know what my sexuality is, Roger!?"

"BECAUSE YOU KISSED ME!" I shouted and I saw Mr Mercury start taking attention to the scene. "Fucking admit it, you're a fag..." My face got close to his while his lips trembled.  

Then I walked away, my shoulders high and my chest raised. I had English first period anyway, I didn't need my books just yet...

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now