please call me freddie

730 29 10

Rogers POV:

A couple months had passed and Brian and I were friends again, it wasn't the same- but it was something. I had seen Mr Mercury almost everyday, chatting casually. 'How was your day?' 'What did you today?' We had shared many laughs and sometimes I would press super close to his desk, just so I could smell his manly cologne that was always in my head when I fucked my own hand.

"Roger." Mr Mercury called. I turn around and he gestured for me to come to his desk before I leave.

"Hey." I huffed, staring down at him.

"School good?" He shut his book and started stacking it away neatly.

"Yeah... I was wondering..." I began and he looked up at me with those beautiful- beautiful dark eyes of his that held so much lust, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the local café with me on the weekend? I totally understand how it may be off-putting, but it would be cool if we could and we could even talk about English and classes?" His smile dropped a little, hopefully just in shock. He looked down and scratched the bridge of his nose- funny, he always does that.

"Sure." He smiled. "Would you like me to pick you up from your place?" He offered.

"Oh, no, its okay. I like walking."

"What time?"

"Is 9am okay?" I knew it was early but he was probably used to early mornings by now- I am.

"Splendid, I'll see you tomorrow Rog."


Nervous? FUCK YEAH I AM. I'm freaking the fuck out- why do I have no clothes. I huffed and threw a shirt as I took a seat on my bed. That's when I realised, I had a perfect outfit. I pulled out a pair of black leather pants and a t-shirt that had wild frills across the neck, travelling down the end of the violet shirt. To finish it off I slipped on a brown jacket that had lace on the end of the collar. Oh my god I looked good. I posed in front of the mirror, quickly fixing up my hair. I ruffled it, than pulled it down so far it felt like my neck would snap. Then I teased the top like Nikki Sixx always does before a concert.

"Roggie- Oh where are you going?" My mum stood at my door.


"You never get that dressed up to go to the diner?" Almost every time I left the house, I went to the diner. There were many teenagers like me and then it also had the oldies hanging about for whatever reason.

"I'm actually going to the café." I smirked and I saw my mothers eyebrows raise.

"Who's the lucky girl." A lump developed in my throat and something stabbed my eyes. I viciously blinked at myself in the mirror.

"No one Mum...." I chuckled and grabbed my wallet.

"Sure sweetie. Be home before the lights turn on and your father is coming home tonight. Make sure your on time please."

"Dads coming home?" She nodded while my whole twig silhouette stiffened. "Okay, I'm going now." I mumbled out.

"Don't forget to put on cologne!"

"I have non." I sighed.

"Use your fathers. Here, I'll go get it." I don't want to smell like that man.

"Never mind, found some!" I lied, calling out and raced down to the front door in a hurry. I jogged down the cement stairs that stood out front and off I went. I put my hands in my pockets and hung my head low, letting my hair flow in the wind behind me.

Before I knew it, I reached my destination. I swung the door open and the bell rang quietly as I walked in- he wasn't here yet. I walked up to the counter and ordered a tea for myself, while I waited, quietly. Once I finished ordering, I took a seat in the booth pressed against the light green wall.

Did I look bad? Did I over do it? OH MY GOD DO I LOOK LIKE IM TRYING TO IMPRESS-

The door shoots open and my head slowly lifts. There he is. He wears a tight tank top that is pure white and leather pants, almost identical to mine. He looks around the large café, trying to look for me. Finally I wave my hand and he spots me. He waltz over, sending shivers down my spine. He slicked his hair back with the palm of his hand and took a seat opposite me.

"Hello." He giggles awkwardly and I laugh at him.

"Hi sir."

"Please, just call me Freddie." I feel my cheeks burn and turn pink.

"Okay, Freddie." Oh my god, saying that feels so right. Imagine us in a relationship, I would love saying that to him everyday. Just to say his name while I hug his arm, nuzzling into him in bed.

"So why did you want to see me?" He asked while I received my tea from the waiter. I didn't really know what to say.

I shrugged, "Why wouldn't I?" He smirks a bit and covers his mouth with his hand and I cant help but look at him strangely. "Wha- don't do that its weird. Show me your smile." I laugh whacking his hand away.

"No! I have horrible teeth. They're gross..."

"What!? I can see your teeth when you speak in class, what's so wrong about them?"

He deeply sighs, "They're big and perk out of my mouth, you don't want to see that."

"Yes I do." I say sternly. "Show me."

He huffs before faking a wide smile, showing all of his front teeth. They were beautiful and suited him so well. Its what makes him, him. My grin widens.

"Beautiful." I whisper to him, he smiles genuinely this time.

"Can I get anything for you?" A lady appears, her breasts were huge and looked ready to slip out of her shirt any second. Her hair was a ginger bob that sat neatly on her shoulders. I awkwardly looked down at my hands.

"A latte, thank you." He nods and turns his attention towards me. I didn't even see him look at her boobs... Could he be gay... "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah.." He chuckles a bit at my awkwardness making me frown. "What?"

"Are you a little flustered because of that waiter?" I almost choked on my drink- no it's actually you, that's why i'm flustered and clammy and cant control my rapid heart beat. Because you look so fucking hot in that tank top, that could burst within seconds because of your strong muscles. "Roger!" I jump, spilling some of my tea on the table. I quickly pick up a bunch of serviettes and immediately start wiping the table.

He laughs at my flustered self, who wouldn't- I probably would too. "Yes." I manage to say.

He laughs another time before replying, "Are you sure your not a homo-sexual Roger?" I jerk my hands once again, thank fuck I don't have the mug in my hand this time.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows, now he's the one embarrassed. "What sort of question is that? I'm a student, Freddie. You teach me."

"Sorry, that was really unprofessional. I shouldn't of invaded your privacy like that..." He immediately apologises. Why the fuck would he ask me that!?

"Do I look like a fag to you!?" His eyes find mine and he quickly notices I'm not happy. "Do I look like I wank to fucking gay pornos!?" I notice a couple heads turn in the café. " Why are you so obsessed with asking me that!? Sorry I embarrassed you." I huffed before storming out the door. The bell jingles once again behind me.

As I leave, I feel a tug on my arm, whipping me in the opposite direction. Without warning, I feel a soft, chapped pair of lips connect with mine, passionately. They're lips motion with mine and I let out a tiny moan. I open my eyes, there he is. The man I think about every night, the man that teaches me English four times a week, the man I want so bad. His moustache brushes against my top lip, making me want to giggle at the tickle. (IM SORRY BUT THAT LINE IS SO FUCKING FUNNY JSHSD) Before I know it he pulls away.

"Roger..." He whispers.

"Freddie..." Our foreheads lean on each other while we catch our breathes, not breaking eye contact once....

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now