wild horses

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A/N: Listen to Wild Horses (video is above) while reading this. It helped me write this slightly romantic chapter. And it's just such a beautiful song.


I waved goodbye to the taxi driver with a very forced smile. I rushed up to the front door of what was once home. I stood dead in my tracks, eyeing the door, the stress and worry that filled my head was becoming more intense. Without thought, I knocked slowly on the wooden door. 

"Roger..." My mums smile faded and soon became a frown. "My baby..." She cried, pulling me in, grasping me tightly. Instead of hugging her back, I awkwardly stood, staring straight ahead in to the house. "You're dad left this morning...he had to go back." A small amount of stress was uplifted. I nodded to show her I understood but she began to cup my cheek. "I was so worried, Roggie. I didn't know what to do with myself, please never do that again." I blankly nodded, not expressing any emotion on my face. I felt incredibly numb.

I got what I wanted....for once. Yet someone had to yank it from me. I was enjoying myself, I had never, ever felt that happy before. With him, it was like my attitude changed in the most positive way possible. He made me feel warm and fuzzy, safe and loved. Now I feel fussed over, I don't feel loved here, not even by my mum. I just want to go back home.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked abruptly, my first words to my mum leaking from my mouth. She stopped herself from running around the kitchen like a mad man.

"Of course." She smiled, rubbing a white, round plate. I dropped my bags, literally, causing a loud bang to fill the house. My mother looked at him in confusion to why I dropped my bags like that. I didn't say anything, couldn't be bothered. I chose some fresh clothes and walked off to the bathroom upstairs. 


"Hey is Rog here?" I heard a quiet voice entering the house. I stood at the top of the staircase, ears dropping to the conversation below me. It was 10pm?

"Yes, love. He's right up stairs, he might be sleeping, he hasn't came down in awhile." My mothers quiet yet thrilled voice spoke. As quietly as I could I ran to my room, waiting for the mysterious person to enter. I grabbed a chapter book of my own and tucked myself in bed to make it seem as if I was occupied.

"Rog?" That soft, soothing voice spoke. My eyes nervously travelled the tall mans body. 

"Brian..." I immediately sat up, crossing my legs. He walked over, his long legs being awkward and sat on the end of my bed. Before I had the chance to speak he gently cupped my hand. I stared at our two hands, one overlapping the other. It felt so right. I began to intertwine my fingers with his, not daring to flicker my eyes. I heard his steady breathing become forceful and loud. I couldn't bare it anymore. I glanced up towards Brian's face. His innocent almond eyes, his smooth skin, his beauty...

"I missed you..." He finally spoke, his voice husky and honest. I rubbed his hand with my thumb, loving the feeling of our hands touching. I felt a small, steamy blush plaster my cheeks. Brian averted his gaze to my lips for a couple seconds then back to my eyes. He slowly let his head lean towards me, continuing to eye my lips. I stiffly sat there, paralysed. I didn't know what to do, yet I wanted him so bad.

Before I knew it, his lips met mine. Bri tenderly moved his lips, nibbling at my top lip. It took me a minute to give in, but I eventually did. I moved against him and slowly the kiss became more passionate and lovingly. He slid his arm on my shoulder, kindly pushing me down into my mattress, ordering my body to lay flat. He put his legs on either side of me, beginning to straddle my waist. His lips explored my neck and chest, sucking and nibbling. Brian's hips slowly began to buck and I quietly moaned as our bulges rubbed together. 

"May I?" He politely asked, laying his hand on my hip. I nodded, eagerly and he started to attack my neck again.


I began to slowly awaken, rubbing my eyes and stretching my legs. I turned my head to reveal Brian, fast asleep. He faced me yet he laid on his stomach. Fuck, I just cheated on Freddie. Could you blame me? I am a teenager, I HAVE BONERS TO! I began to stare at Brian and notice his features. God he was fucking gorgeous. I peeked below the blankets, taking in the lovely sight of his naked body and his cock. God he was huge... Oops?

"Briiiiii..." I moaned, shaking his body slightly. He shifted a little and slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning." He chuckled as his sleepy self. I smiled at him and sat up, putting my head in my hands.

"You okay?" He asked, lightly touching my shoulders with both his hands. I nodded and started lift me head.

"Yeah...Do you wanna go downstairs for some brekky?"

"Sounds lovely." I flipped open the blankets and walked off to my wardrobe, grabbing some jeans and a band tee for the day. Not my usual style but I felt lazy. I bent down, still naked, looking for my cologne. I saw him stare at my ass from the corner of my eye.

"Does it look alright?" I asked, turning around.

"Huh?" He shook his head.

"My ass."

"Oh, right. Um yeah, it does." I laughed at his shyness. It was honestly adorable, especially for a top. He smiled a little as I laughed and it made my heart warm. 

"Would you like a hoodie or a shirt or some paaaaants?" I offered browsing through my drawers. 

"I'm okay wearing my clothes from yesterday." I threw a jumper at him that read Jimi Hendrix. I knew he liked Hendrix, one of his favourite artists.

"Keep it, I don't really wear it much."



"Morning Mrs Taylor." Brian greeted, politely.

"Oh please, just call me Winifred." She flicked her hand at him and gave him a plate of toast with some beans, avocado and a strip of bacon on the side. I saw Brian tense slightly at the sight of his meal. 

"Bri's actually vegetarian, Mum." I muttered, not rudely, just quietly.

"Oh, darling! I'm so sorry."

"It's okay! Don't worry about it, no trouble at all." He smiled away. God I don't know how he was so kind, especially to meat eaters.

"Why are you vegetarian, dear?" She asked, sliding my own plate over to me. I thanked her quietly. 

"I'm actually vegetarian by choice. I'm just a huge animal lover and couldn't eat one again. It just makes me feel like...a fake. But that's just me, I don't care about others eating meat, of course. I'm not in control of anyone or anything, you know." It was evident he was trying to spark a small conversation, seeming kind and not rude. My mother happily nodded.

"What about getting iron? Do you get enough of that?" My mother was intrigued and I was honestly surprised, I thought she wouldn't give it much thought. I was wrong, I guess.

"Actually lots of vegetables contain iron. Lots of greens and things, spinach has quite a lot. Lentils, beans, grain, whole grain, brown rice and even cereal. More than you would think." He laughed to himself, Jesus what a health nut. He spoke so proper because he always read, it was really cute.

"Wanna go to the hub later?" I randomly asked.

"Yeah, sure." My mother continued questioning him about cooking and what his mother makes. Brian explained that he makes the food for him and his mother because he liked to. Which we both found really sweet. His voice was so soft and luscious, I fell in a gaze, staring at him...

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now