this is amazing

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Rogers POV:

"Rog?" A voice lurked in my left ear. I curled the pillow around my head with a huff. "Wake up, I'm making French toast for brekky." He slyly put his hand on my hip making my breath hitch and my eyes bulge. I sat up hesitantly, rubbing my face. I took a look at Bri, he was still laying on his back looking at me.

"How was your sleep?" He rubbed his eyes, sitting up with me. I shrugged.


"Lovely, thanks." He got out of bed, slipping on a shirt that read 'I NEED SPACE' with stars surrounding the bold text. I watched him, eyeing every inch of his body. God he was hot. He put a pair of green bell bottoms on and walked out the room, his hair curly brown hair bouncing behind him.

I jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. "God it smells so good!" I greet Bri who was making French toast. He smiles up at me. "Why aren't you cooking bacon!? Its the best part!" I shouted in the most rudest way possible.

He rolled his eyes before replying, "I'm vegetarian, Roger."


"You're eating something that is dead- then cooking it on a stove. Shouldn't I be the one saying 'ew'?"

"When you put it like that-"

"Yeah yeah yeah." He laughed with a flick of his hand. "Here you are." He swiftly slid a piece of toast than another. He cracked some salt on top and left the salt shaker beside me, incase I wanted more.

"Thankyou Bri. It looks lovely." I took my first bite, "HOLY FUCK ME BRIAN!" He looked up from the stove, quite concerned. "THIS IS AMAZING!" I over exaggerated. He chuckled at me.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." I wonder if Freddie can cook. But seriously this is the best French toast I have ever experienced. "And sure." He said, smirking. I knotted my eyebrows in thought. 'HOLY FUCK ME BRIAN!' Oops.

I nervously laughed, swallowing my food hard. I would but I'm really into Freddie. We're not exclusive, hell, we're not even dating. We're just...I don't even fucking know.

My feet dragged across the floor, walking into school. I wasn't really up for seeing people. I didn't wanna talk nor socialise. I just wanna go home to be honest. I swung open my locker, grabbing my books and whatnot.

"Roger?" A concerned voice echoed in my ears. I jumped at the noise, almost jamming my fingers between my locker door, but tried to play it off like I didn't do anything.

"Hi?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm John, John Deacon. I'm in most of your core classes- I mean I'm new. I just came to the school, I don't really know anything. Miss Scherbatsky said to see you?" He raised his hand and I eyed him suspiciously. He slowly let his hand fall back down to his side as he noticed I didn't wanna shake it.

"Of course she did." I sighed, I wasn't a people person. I didn't like socialising. "Look, just follow me around I guess. You can sit with me at lunch too if you have no friends which I think you don't?" His eyebrows knotted while my voice raised at the thought. "Anyway, I'll show you where your classes are and you can figure out the rest, eh?" I slammed my locker door shut and fixed up my leather jacket. His long wavy hair glistened in the yellow tinged lights of the school. He gulped nervously with a little nod.

"Okei." It was obvious he was shy, his small eyes and lips said it all. I wasn't gonna make a conversation with him though, small talk was stupid.

"We're early for home group but the doors open so..." I shrugged and walked into the empty classroom, John trailing behind. He took a seat beside me and I rolled my eyes. He seemed like a nice chap, it wasn't personal, I just didn't like making friends. I grabbed my cardboard covered sketch book, doodles covering the front cover of it and started to draw things in the top corner.

"You like drawing?" He smiled, shyly. I nodded looking him in the eye for a second. He smiled once again, blushing and looking away.

"Oh Roger! You found John, wonderful. Would you be able to show John around the school first period?" Miss Sherbatsky asked. My eyes widened and I couldn't help but yell.

"No!" John and Miss jumped because of the sudden noise. "Sorry, I'm just failing English right now... I can third period though." Miss nodded with a smile.

"Wonderful, Roger." I nervously continued doodling and waited for students to fill the class.

"Roger?" I turn around, looking Mr Mercury in the eyes.

"Yes sir." He glanced around the classroom, waiting for all the students to disappear. I seductively waltzed towards his desk, biting my bottom lip. I leaned down on the tabled, towering over him. "What did you want sir?" I whispered, hotly. He quietly moaned at my sudden change of tone.

"A hand job." He whined. I giggled and kissed his nose.

"Course baby." I shut the classroom door, flicking the knob making it lock.

"I was actually gonna ask if you- mmm." I stroked his cock through his tight jeans, looking at him like we were having a normal conversation. I waited patiently for him to continue. "Well the holidays are coming up as you know and I was wondering if you would like to stay at mine for a little while." I pulled his cock out, pumping him while I thought.

"I'd love that." I pecked his lips, holding his chin with the couple of my fingers. He smiled into the kiss as did I. He continued to quietly hum as I jerked him off faster and faster. I continued jerking him off, feeling him pulse in my hand.

"God I'm close." He moaned. I reached up to his face, kissing him gently.

"Cum for your baby." I whispered into his ear. His body jolted and his hips bucked. Warm white liquid spilled out of him while I continued pumping. He let his head fall back with a sigh.

"Thank you baby. Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good. I'm gonna go home early actually." I pushed myself back up to my normal height, dusting myself off. I grabbed some tissues and wiped Freddie's dick so that it wouldn't smell or shit in his pants. I licked the remaining cum off my hands.

"Because its the last week of school and we aren't doing anything in the other classes." I continued sucking on my hand until I let my lips release and a loud 'pop' filled the room. I tucked his dick back in his underwear while he waved me away.

"I know how to put my pants on, Rog." He sighed.

"But I want to do them for you." I huffed acting like a mother. He rolled his eyes when I finished buckling his pants. "I'm gonna go to the administration now and sign myself out. Call me." I smiled.

"Roger, wait." I turned on my heel with my hand resting on the doorknob. "You have a huge boner." He laughed. I looked down in annoyance.

"Fuck sakes." I took off my jacket and held it in front of my crotch with a sarcastic smile. I started to shiver once the cold air hit my thin arms.

"Oh Roger, darling, you're shaking." He ran over to me and wrapped his jacket around my shoulders.

"What if you get cold?"

"I can just turn the heaters on." He kissed my forehead.

"Thanks babe." I walked out the door waving while he stood smiling back at me.

Sometimes I feel like running away with him....

Having no idea where we're going....

But we don't even care....

Because all that matters is each other....

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now