get out

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A/N; Hey! I'm in Australia so I don't know who calls Hungry Jacks, Burger King. Um yeah we call it Hungry Jacks in the land down under, I think its only Australia that calls it that- I mean I know that but I don't know if there are any different names for the restaurant and in all honesty I can't be fucked googling because im in Math Class. Ok thanks mate, bye. Also this chapter is kinda boring as its mostly set in one place but suck it up at least im p o s t I n g.                                                                                                                                                                                         -Freddie


I numbly sat at the dinner table that belonged to myself and of course, Freddie. It was my last day here, I was getting sent back home. I was fucking going back home. I only lived in this beautiful place for a month, a month. I heard the front door creak open, I didn't bother to look. It was probably the police but I was hoping it was Freddie. Deep down I knew it wouldn't be him. No, he wouldn't be standing at that door with a happy smile and a heart warming tear falling upon his cheek.

"Rog?" I could recognise that voice anywhere. I slowly turned my head around to see that obvious, tall silhouette. He stood out of the darkness and slowly walk towards me. He had a sad look across his face, his mouth shut and quiet. His dark, brunette hair didn't have the bounce it once did. That curly brown hair...

"Bri?" I shot up from the table, instantly jumping back into reality. The chair made a loud scratchy noise because of my immediate action. "You're here?" I gave him a soft hug and he stroked my shoulders, comforting me, I assume. "How did you find me?" I asked, gently pulling away from yet I still noticed his body immediately stiffen.

"I missed you." He dodged my question, I didn't even notice. I smiled although I could feel my stomach continuing to curl. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek. Awfully gay if you ask me. I let my head fall into his hand that cupped my cheek. "I was so worried about you." I nodded. I wasn't worried about him, I just missed him. I didn't want him to find me, I didn't want it to end like this. I was hoping for me to grow old and tell my children about my one and only friend and the funny duffer he was. But that's not how it looks to be... I moved back into him, letting him dominate my small figure. He gave the best hugs. "How are you?"

I shrugged, I had cried so much that at this point I felt numb.

"Mr Mercury? Is that why you didn't like me back....I mean, all that time ago?" Oh my god! He comes into my home, only caring about himself. What he thinks he can have.

"You seriously come into my own fucking home after my boyfriend gets sent to jail and ask if that's why we," I gestured to the both of us, "never worked out!?" I slammed my fist against the wall, making a hole.


"Get out!" His eyes fell dull and he picked up his jacket and left for the door.

"Good luck, Rog." He mumbled before quietly shutting the door behind him. I huffed and sat on the floor, slowly rubbing my face. I rubbed them so hard my vision went fuzzy.

"Ready to go?" A police officer asked, politely. I looked up and nodded. This never would of worked out anyway...The officer smiled nicely as I picked up my belongings. I gave the place one final look before averting my gaze towards the door. I felt tears threaten to prick my eyes, but I held my head high and didn't look back, no matter how much it hurt. "It'll be okay soon." The lady rubbed my back in a comforting matter, it didn't help. It won't be okay.

She helped me put my belongings in the taxi and gave me a slight smile of sympathy. She had to come with me, even walk me towards my flight, just in case I wouldn't run off. 

"When I was younger," She started, beginning to speak up in the back of the taxi, "I really liked this guy, right?" I nodded. "He was a lot older than me, mind you, I was only fifteen at the time. He was 21, I didn't care. I lied to him about my age, I looked a lot older than I actually was. Anyway, time went on, my mother found out and accused him of being a pedophile, but he had no idea I was so young..." She looked out the window and stopped talking.

"Whats the point of you saying that?"

"It means to wait. All you have to do is wait, okay? Being your age in a committed relationship, very committed, is something that never works out. You staying with that man would never have ended well. Just wait until you grow up." She smiled. 

"Whats your name?"


I nodded and looked out the window. What a nice lady. I'm glad she understood how I felt, it meant a lot to me. Especially when people think I'm practically nuts at the moment.

"I'm not crazy." It was my turn to talk now. "I just really liked someone."

"I understand." Sarah tucked a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. Her shiny tight, black bun glistened in the sunlight to perfection. You could tell she was an officer even without a uniform. She was a really nice police officer and I was honestly so glad. It's been so hard here, so many different officers talking to me daily, all of them judging me and snarking. Even then, I still didn't want to go home.

"Thank you!" The officer exclaimed to the taxi driver, he gave a small nod with a tiny smile.

"Have a safe trip." Sarah waved goodbye as he drove away and started to help me with my bags. I wheeled my suit case inside, instantly overwhelmed by the huge crowds.

"Don't worry, you're in VIP. You'll be the first to get on the plane." Sarah helped me find where I was supposed to go and a flight attendant escorted me out of the busy area to have a security check. Once my baggage and clothing were checked, I finally reached the food court and shops. A police officer stood beside me, this sucked. 

"Can I get some food?" I asked the old looking man.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting at gate 98, be there in half an hour, we skip the cue." He nodded and walked off. I mimicked him with a childish face, scrunching my nose and lips, tilting my head from side to side. Formal prick. Due to my unluckiness, the officer turned around as he strolled away. I quickly put on a normal face expression and ran off to Burger King. I think he saw, oops?

This was gonna' be a long day.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now