oh! darling

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My body feels paralysed. I feel awfully lonely, maybe depressed- well beginning of. I feel stuck, this was a dumb idea. Well the only reason I feel like this is because I cant take my mind off Brian. 

"Fuck it." I mumbled under my breath, swooping for the pastel yellow phone on my bedside table. I scrambled for the white note, Brian once gave me. It was his number. I typed the digits into the phone, hearing the line. Oh how that noise made my anxiety increase. I heard the line go silent and my breath hitched. "Hello?" My voice trembled.

"Hi...how can I uh- help?" He practically groaned. It was 7am here, I forgot Amsterdam was an hour ahead.

"Bri...Its Rog..."

"Roger!?" He almost screamed and I couldn't help but laugh.


"Where- Why-"

"Who? What? How?"


"BRIAN!" I yelled back, he instantly shut up. "You can't tell anyone I called you. I'm safe and I'm not missing. I ran away from home...on purpose. I'm living in a flat with someone that is looking after me." I didn't want to say these next couple words, but I had too. "He's my boyfriend."


"Where are you?" He spoke sternly but worriedly. I could feel the tension.

"I'm not in London, no where near London..."

"Its fine, I don't care, I can drive."

"No...Bri...I'm a plane flight away..."

"Where are you?" He asked again, twice as shaky. His breath almost inaudible. I couldn't tell him, it wouldn't end well. I am happy here. I can do this, I'll make new friends.

"I'm in Amsterdam..."

"Oh my god...Oh my fucking god, Rog! WHY!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!? YOU HAVE YOUR DAD AND MUM ON THE NEWS, SAYING THEY MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU! PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD! WHY WOULD YOU PUT SO MUCH PRESSURE ON ME!? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THIS MAKES ME FEEL!? I-" The shouting continued, the shouts of worry and sorrow. I felt horrible. I let the tears fall down my cold cheeks, warming them back up. I am such a horrible person.

"Bri..." I cried, his yelling stopped and I quietly sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I am so fucking sorry. I thought this would be better for me and you and everything." I rambled.

"Rog...what's your address? I'm getting a plane flight." 

"No! Don't-"

"I'll meet you somewhere then."

"What about money?"

"I have savings." Fuck.

I gave him a place of where for us to meet, it wasn't close to my flat. That would be a dumb idea. Once I told him the address the line went dead, he hung up. Just as I was about to register the situation, a screaming baby abrupted my thoughts. I wiped my face and ran to the spare room. "Oh darling." I whispered, picking up the screeching baby that belonged to Eric's and Donna's.

 "If you leave me

I'll never make it alone
Believe me when I tell you
I'll never do you no harm, believe me darlin'
When you told me you didn't need me anymore
Well you know I nearly broke down and cried
When you told me you didn't need me anymore
Well you know I nearly fell down and died
Oh! Darling, please believe me
I'll never let you down (Oh believe me darlin')
Believe me when I tell you
I'll never do you no harm..."
I softly finished, whispering into the baby's soft hair. Barbara's tense body softened in my arms, relaxing and I smiled to myself. I rocked the baby back and forth, closing my eyes.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now