make me yours

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{WARNING; smut involved- shit is gonna get KINKY}

Freddie's POV:

Roger and I sat on the couch, watching a movie quietly. A soft grey blanket was spread across us, making the two of us close and huddled together, considering the cold weather. Soon I drifted off from the movie and let my eyes wonder until I found Roger. I watched his beautiful blue eyes sparkle out the corner of mine. His bit his bottom lip while paying close attention to the movie then licked them afterwards. A moan escaped his lips while he shuffled down, resting his head on my chest making himself comfortable.

Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm.

His moan continuously replayed through my head. I scrunched my eyes shut, trying to not focus on my throbbing cock. Oh god I wanted to palm myself so bad. I squeezed my legs together trying to make my boner less visible through my pants and blanket. It didn't work.

"Roger..." I moaned out loud and he turned his head towards me.

"Yeah?" My head dived down towards his, letting my lips attack him. I moved around him, shifting myself on top of him, not breaking the kiss. Finally I could get some type of release- my bulge rubbing against his. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I sucked hard on it.

"Fuck baby, you're so hot.' I grunted, separating our lips and focusing on our cocks rubbing against each other. 

"Ngh...Ugh, daddy-fuck me." Something I never thought that boy would say. I've never had a daddy kink before but god, that made my body twitch. I licked his nose before starting to unbuckle his belt.

"Freddie Mercury, that was GROSS!" He yelled at me, throwing a pillow at my head.

"Do you want me to suck your hot cock or should I just jerk off in my bedroom?" He frowned and pushed my head on his groin. I pulled away and grabbed his cock out of his pants. "No underwear huh?" I laughed. 

I flicked my tongue across his tip making him flinch and I worked my way down slowly, hotly breathing on his dick. 

"You're so fucking hot, make me yours." He moaned. I didn't know exactly what he meant so I just thought he wanted me to prep him.

"Turn over, darling." I kissed his lips before helping him twist over on the small couch, securing him so he didn't fall off. I rubbed his ass with both of my hands, so beautiful and soft. I cupped his cheeks before digging my head in his butt. He tasted so good. I palmed myself through my trousers while I licked his tight asshole. Without notice, Roger reached over and pushed my head further into his ass while he moaned loudly.

"You're so good, fuck me please. I want your cock in me." I pushed a finger in and he didn't even wince because of me prepping him before. I pushed a second and a third in at once and he grunted, sending shivers down my spine. I wiggled my fingers in him and soon took them out.

I slowly slipped my cock in him, my mouth falling and my eyes shut tight. "Fuck." I winced, he was so tight and he felt so good. The top half of my body melted into his back while I caught my breath. "Roger are you alright?" I moved his hair so I could see his beautiful face. He was crying. "Roger?" I carefully slipped out of him and he turned over. "Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine." He cupped my hands. "I just- I'm really enjoying this. I really like you. I'm just glad to get intimate with you, it means a lot to me." I cupped his cheek in my palm and pecked his lips softly.

"Darling, do you want to make love?" I ask stroking his cheek with my thumb. He nodded, smiling. "Here- lets go to the bedroom?" I offered and took his hand.

I slowly pushed Roger onto my bed and peppered kisses down his neck. I unbuttoned his sheer violet shirt. God he was beautiful. I licked a trail down to his belly button. I sucked one of his nipples, my tongue swirling and enjoying him. He stroked my hair, moaning, bucking his hips.

"Make me yours." He moaned for the second time. I hovered over his face, scanning every feature. I kissed his eyelids, the tip of his nose and then his lips. I positioned myself, pushing my cock into Rog's ass and the two of us almost screamed. I slowly bucked my hips in him, waiting for him to tell me when to thrust harder. "Now."

I bucked my hips over and over, getting faster each time. "God you're so beautiful." I huffed with a smile. He tangled his fingers in my hair and smiled up at me. He stroked my face, gently, while he jerked himself off in the other.

"Baby, I'm close."

"Cum.." I grunted. "I want to taste you. Squirt on my face." 

"Hmmmmmmmmmm." He moaned before his body stiffened and jolted.

"I'm gonna- FUCK IM CUMMING!" I reached my head down trying to taste him as much as I could.

I finished a few seconds after him with a scream and pulled out of him slowly. He lay his head on my chest, running his fingers through my chest hair. 

"Thank you." He mumbled into my chest, I smiled down at him. 

"You don't have to thank me, lovely." His blue tired eyes met mine and he started kissing me slowly making me chuckle into the kiss. "Do you want to go again?" I asked. It had been an hour since we finished. 

"Hmm, if I wake up during the night, can I give you a blowjob?" My stomach tickled at the thought.

"Yes dear." He continued playing with my chest hair before he fell asleep in my arms. I grabbed the blanket and made sure he wouldn't be cold. I stroked his dirty blonde hair while he slept peacefully.

I think I'm falling in love with him...

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now