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(trigger warning? mentions the use of marijuana.)


Its the last week of holidays, Freddie and I have everything planned. He told the owners of his flat that he was moving places earlier than expected because of family issues. They accepted and let him leave early without any extra costs. Apparently they were really nice people- they definitely sounded it. 

We decided on, moving to Amsterdam. It was a big step and I was shitting my pants. Freddie said too bring a large suitcase filled with everything I wanted to bring- we were living there after all. I haven't told my parents anything and I wont. Tonight, late, I'm sneaking through my bedroom window and escaping. Freddie will pick me up from my house, early hours of the morning. I was honestly shitting myself.

"The plane doesn't leave till three-am, okay? So you have plenty of time getting out the house without your parents knowing." Freddie spoke. He was laying on my double bed, twirling around and flipping through magazines as I packed. I nodded, still worrying. My parents were out at the moment. Dad was off with his mates for the day meanwhile my mum was working at the boutique. So I offered Freddie to come over for the day until they came home. "Your hair looks pretty today." He complimented, not taking his eyes off the magazine. A warm soft blush spread across my cheeks at his words.

It was different today, though. It was straightened, slightly curled inwards at the bottom, I decided to put a bandana headband in my hair too. It was red like a classic one although the actual bandana was stuck to a headband so it wouldn't slip off.

"Oh my god..." I heard Freddie mumble in shock. I turned around to see he was in a completely different spot. He was bending down in my cupboard, picking up dirty magazines slowly in utter shock.

"Hey! Give me those!" I barged into him, ripping the magazines out of his hands almost knocking him over.

"Oh and to this day you still accuse me of asking you if you read gay pornos and how it wasn't true! Well Roger Taylor do I have some news for you. You fucking do so!" He threw his arms in the air. "And you have soooooo many Roger."

"Oh my god, its five!"

"So many..." He continued, pretending to be a disappointed mother, crying into her hands. I giggled at him and pushed him on the bed.

"Sorry I've been naughty." I seductively whispered in his ear, grinding on him.

"As much as I wanna make out, you 'gotta pack before your parents come home. You don't want them seeing a suitcase on your bed do you?" I groaned in annoyance, knowing he was right.


Finally it was time to leave. I had packed my bags successfully and the house was dead silent. A wash of relief covered my face, knowing that I was finally leaving my father. No more grudges. No more misery. No more fear. I slipped on my navy blue puffer vest with rainbow stripes going diagonal from the shoulders which complimented my maroon long sleeve shirt nicely. I posed in the mirror with a simple manly like stance- I still looked like a twig. Once I finished observing my outfit, I ratted my fingers through my hair, ordering it to be somewhat neat. 

It wasn't going to be a long flight, it only took about an hour and fifteen minutes to get to Amsterdam from London. As nervous as I was for this sudden big change, I was very excited. I've always wanted to smoke weed. Feel the smoke go through my lungs, lusciously. I really wanted to feel calm with no worries. I've heard it helps problem solving to- well if you don't get addicted to it.

While my mind raced with different thoughts, I heard a horn toot. I raced over to my window, looking down to see a taxi with my boyfriends head out of it, waving me too come down. I raced down the stairs of my house as quietly as I physically could- it was pretty hard considering the fact I held a suitcase and another overfilled bag. I slowly opened the big red wooden front door with a sigh, taking one last look behind me. Looking at the past. 

"Bye..." I mumbled under my breath in order too not make it to dramatic but I already had. "Hey!" I whisper shouted at Freddie, shuffling on the car seat.

"Hey. You excited?" He spoke his normal tone once I shut the car door. I nodded with a wide grin on my face and he chuckled at me. "I cant wait." He kissed my cheek and the driver took off. I grabbed his hand that rested on the top of his knee. His beautiful dark lustful chocolate eyes pierced into mine. "I love you, Roger. No matter what happens, always remember that." I nodded quickly, my head bopping up and down with a smile before I leaned in and gave him a passionate yet soft kiss. His eyes glassed while his lips pursed when we pulled away.

"What's wrong?" My voice struck with concern. He smiled and shook his head.

"I'm just really happy." I squeezed his hand with mine and looked deeply into his eyes. I loved him.


As Freddie and I got comfortable in the seats of the plane, I couldn't help but smile. This wasn't just a regular teenage run away- no this was something more. I shoved my wallet in the back of the plane seats pocket in front of me, getting ready for an hours long flight. 

"Have you been to Amsterdam before?" I randomly asked, holding Freddie's hand gently. He scratched the bridge of his nose while he thought.

"A few times, yeah. Have you?" I shook my head, gesturing no. "Its brilliant." A smile spread across his face as he whispered to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he started to stroke the top of my hair, making me feel at ease. As the flight attendants gestured what to do in an emergency I let my eyes close and drifted into thought.


I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now