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A week later.

A very loud, almost abrupt knock came from the front door. It didn't sound to friendly. I shrugged and opened the door with a smile spread across my face- well that was until it dropped.

"Hello, I'm Marty. This is my partner Steve. Could you come with us please?" It was more like an order from the two muscly men that stood at the door, flashing their police badges in front of my eyes. My stomach dropped and I instantly stiffened. I could feel my cheeks starting to boil with my uncertain emotion.

"What?" I asked, clueless. Steve rolled his eyes, not wanting to explain the situation. His ferrel moustache twitched violently while he stood under the yellow dim light. I separated the door and the doorframe from touching as I stood in between, not wanting these men to intrude.

"We will tell you once we get to the station."

"Station!? I haven't done anything! I'm underage! You cant arrest me!"

"Exactly...underage." Steve snarked, under his breath. I glared at the arrogant prick. Fucking wanker.

"Come on, Sir." Marty softly laid his hand on my upper arm before I whacked it off me. I ran inside my apartment, grabbing my keys and wallet. I looked back up at the men while they patiently waited for me to get my belongings.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"This isn't fair, you cant just take me to a police station and not tell me why!" I yelled in the back of the cop car. Steve rolled his eyes once again, turning around to talk to me.

"You wanna know why your coming with us?" I nodded, angrily. What the fuck did they think I was!? "Because you're a horny, little faggot that cant keep it in ya' pants! So you being you, you ran off with your teacher because you're into older guys with wrinkly dicks." I blinked my eyes, defeated. They know... Steve turned back around to talk to Marty, smirking. "If there were no queers in this world, there would be less crime." Steve shook his head, disappointed meanwhile Marty laughed loudly. Bits of his disgusting cheesy burger falling out of his mouth, his thick accent no longer noticeable. I huffed and sighed in the back seat. I just wanted to see Freddie. 



"Babe!-" I was interrupted by the phone ringing through out the flat. I walked over, picked up the phone meanwhile dropping my belongings on the floor from work.

"Freddie..." I heard a sad mumble come through the phone.

"Roger, darling? Where are you? I just came home now. What's wrong? Are you okay?" I heard a sniffle come from the phone. He was crying.

"They know..."

"Who knows what, my dear?" I tried to stay calm, I still had managed to speak softly but right now all I wanted to do was scream, what happened to my boy!?

"About us...I'm in the police station, Fred. Please just come, I'm kept in this waiting room, I don't know what's gonna happen." A strangled cry came from the phone, I felt my whole body heat up aggressively. "I don't know what to do..." He cried loudly, very loud. What did they say to him!?

"I'm on my way!" I raced out the door, checking my pockets for my house keys. I quickly ran down the street and caught a bus. We didn't have a car yet which was more than annoying, especially in the traffic of Amsterdam. I frantically gave my change to the bus driver, not looking how much I gave him- and off I went. I ran into the station, huffing and puffing. I hadn't ran in a long, long time. I looked up to see a receptionist, blankly stare at me and pick up the phone. I didn't really know what to do, Roger wasn't in here. I awkwardly stood in front of the door until two police officers quickly shuffled towards me with handcuffs.

One of them gripped my wrists more than tightly and clicked on the cuffs. The other grabbed hold of my front as I struggled to wriggle free. Muffled grunts came from me, trying to escape the two rude officers.

"You are under arrest for abduction and paedophilia." The one said, hand cuffing me.

"I didn't kidnap anybody!" I yelled as the two officers began to escort me into a small closed off room that Roger sat in. "Roger!" I yelled with relief. That's when I noticed the sad look upon his face. His eyes were red and puffy, no longer that beautiful blue ocean. His lips remained shut, not looking like they could move at his horrible frown. His hair was literally everywhere- but when is it not.

"You have two minutes. Make it worthwhile." The officer spoke before leaving us in a room while we sat across from each other.

"Roger, are you okay?" I tried to rest my hand on his but I forgot my hands were cuffed behind my back. He slowly shook his head, looking extremely miserable. "What happened?" He shrugged, not looking me in the eye. Why was he acting so cold towards me? "Why are you being distant with me?"

"I'm not." He mumbled, looking down.

"Roger, by the looks of things, I don't know when we will see each other again. Can we please make it worthwhile." I almost sighed. He took a long heavy breath.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes at the boy, he sounded like an edgy depressed teenager.

"No you're not."

"OH MY GOD FREDDIE! I'm fucking sixteen years old! OF COURSE I AM NOT FINE! I have to watch my 30 year old BOYFRIEND get fucking locked up! I don't know what's gonna happen, I'm so scared. You're all I have and trust and I CANT EVEN FUCKING HAVE THAT WITHOUT IT BEING ILLEGAL! I just..." My eyes dropped and I eyed the table.

"Locked up?" He sadly nodded, wiping his eyes. He softly started crying again and I felt like I destroyed his whole life. Who am I kidding? Of course I have. He has to go through this at such a young age, no one deserved to go through this. The situation is fucked and I blame myself so much for it.

"If I never...." I started, "-if I never said hi to you at the newspaper shop. We wouldn't be here, I'm so, so stupid..." My voice lowered, feeling the urge to cry.

"Oh so our relationship is a mistake then? Cool."

"No, Roger, not like that-"

"Forget it. Its fine." He sarcastically smiled, shaking his head and getting up from his seat.


"No Freddie, I understand." He turned his back on me and knocked on the white and grey door. They let him out, yet they wouldn't let me come out. 

I was going to jail and the love of my life hates me.

I was born to love you; frogerWhere stories live. Discover now