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"Miss Peyton"

A light cuss left the female who was about to leave the room with everyone else. She composed herself and slowly turned to face Mr lee,her Design and Technology lecturer who had an unreadable expression on his face. She sent him a soft smile and padded over to him.

"Yes mr lee"she answered,he set the pile of papers softly on his table;glasses pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How is your assignment doing?"he asked,shifting his gaze to look at her. She cleared throat lowly.

"Great..great!"she said pushing a loose strand of hair behind her hair. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm wondering if you plan on handing it in on time unlike last time"he spoke before raising his eyebrow at her. She internally grimaced. She had messed up the last assignment due date and had handed hers in..a week later.

"Of course"she said and batted her eyelashes at him. "Is that it?" Mr lee sighed and waved her off. She grinned and quickly left the room.

Savannah Peyton,19 year old first year studying Design and Technology and Art. She was born in Brooklyn,USA but moved to Seoul with her mom when she was 10. She had a few friends from childhood that didn't call her names cause of her color. Savannah is mixed African American with tanned brown skin that compliments her hazel eyes and chestnut curly hair.

The vibration of her phone startled her a little. She fished her phone out of her jean pocket and unlocked it seeing numerous notifications she had ignored during her lecture. She brushed past the few people crowding the stairs,her face holding a blank expression as she tapped on the new message she had received.

where are youuuu :3

just left my lecture room. Wbu?

Look up

Savannah looked up from her phone,foot landing on the floor after the final stair. Hwasa smiled brightly at her,waving her hand in a salute. Savannah tucked her phone in her pocket,making way to her roommate and close friend.

"I thought you were in class"she said and folded her arms. The raven haired female shrugged her shoulders.

"I have one in an hour"she said nonchantedly and hooked her arm with Savannah's. "Wanna go to Subway?"

"We are really working ourselves out with fast food huh?"Savannah said with a silly grin and Hwasa giggles. With her free hand,Savannah leaned her arm bent her arm back to grab her Nintendo Switch from her black backpack,making sure to zip it right after. Hwasa sent her a look between unamused and bored.

"I hope someone steals that game or you trip and it breaks when you drop it"She said with blank expression,Savannah looked at her with wide eyes.


The amazing scent of freshly baked bread reached the two females' noses once they stepped into the store. Hwasa breathed it in,sighed hungrily before looking at Savannah who was lost in the world of Zelda.

"Savannah sweetie.."Hwasa started,folding her arms like a mother about to scold her daughter. Savannah pressed start to pause the game and looked at her with a small smile.

"I'm sorry,I'll put it away"she said and immediately did so. Hwasa smiled in triumph  before grabbing her hand and tagged her to the line. After ordering and paying for their sandwiches,the two made their way to an empty table near the window. Savannah perched herself in the seat opposite Hwasa after slipping her backpack off.

"Okay babe,how was your day?"The raven haired female asked,tearing the subway wrapping apart. Savannah shrugged her shoulders,her eyes darkened a little.

"A normal first year's day,you know? I have a shit load of things to do and I need to meet up with my art 'partner'"she said with the emphasis of partner. Hwasa took a large bite from her tuna sandwich,listening closely. "I don't even know who he is which makes it even worse. All I know is that he's name is Jeon Jungkook" Hwasa's eyes widened and she made an 'oh' sound gaining the chestnut haired female's attention. She quickly chewed and swallowed,coughing a little for eating so fast.

"I know him"she said and cleared her throat. "He hangs out with a guy who studies the same course as me..Kim Taehyung is his name. Tall,good looking with Grey hair"she explained.

"Grey hair?"Savannah asked with a raised eyebrow. Hwasa nodded and took a sip from her cola.

"The only male I've seen who looks amazing in grey hair"she swooned a little before continuing to eat. Savannah tore apart the wrapping of her chicken sandwich.

"You haven't really met good looking males then"she mumbled. Hwasa sent her a playful glare,cheeks stuffed with food.

"Shut the fuck up savannah"She muffled out earning a light giggle from the mentioned female.

Savannah made her way up the stairs to the Art room of the University building. The sky was now a light orange as the sun began to set from the horizon. She yawned lightly,hand firmly gripping her backpack strap. Once she arrived at the Art room door,she quietly pushed it open to find a raven haired male sitting at the back,slouched forward;sketching away as the remaining evening sunlight pouring onto him.

She lightly cleared her throat,stepping into the room and shut the down behind her loudly. The male lifted his head up,back straightening as he sat up;doe eyes settling on her in slight confusion and annoyance.

"Sorry for disturbing you"she said nonchalantly and lifted her eyebrow questionably at him. "Are you Jeon Jungkook?"
The raven haired male blinked slowly.

"Yeah. So what if I am?"


Savannah padded over to him and dropped her backpack on her stuff. He glared at her as she smiled.

"I'm Savannah Peyton,Your partner"

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