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Jimin fucked up,
Really badly.

He felt like the world's biggest douchebag. He probably was currently and didn't like the feeling. Eui purred rubbing her head on Jimin's neck as the pink haired male mentally fought the hangover he was having at the moment.

It's a hot Sunday afternoon. Jimin laid on his bed,a cup of water and aspirin sat on the bedside table. Eui laid next to him,purring into his neck. He felt sick,the universe was teaching him a lesson for standing Savannah up. The pink haired male ran a hand through his hair with a groan,slowly opening his eyes to the blinding light that poured into his room.

"I wanna die"

He rubbed Eui's head before sitting up, his back cracking as he stretched. Jimin grunted before cracking his neck, a sigh of relief left his mouth. Eui meowed before stretching her body right after Jimin got off the bed.

Sungwoon was greeted with a yawn and messy fading pink hair. He set his Apple Juice aside and gave Jimin a look. The pink haired male grimaced and set himself at the kitchen table.

"Park Jimin.." Sungwoon begun, Jimin put his head on the cool table. Closing his eyes,he hummed in response. "You look terrible"

"I feel terrible too"he grumbled and lifted his head to look at the raven haired male. "I fucked up"

"I know"Sungwoon took a sip of his juice before speaking. "I actually thought you liked her-"

"I do"

"You have an odd way of showing it."Sungwoon rolled his eyes. He leaned forward and flicked Jimin's forehead hard. The pink haired male cursed,leaning back while putting a hand on his forehead. Bewildered,he glared at the raven haired male.

"What was that for!"he asked. Sungwoon rubbed his knuckles.

"One"he lifted up his forefinger "for being a motherfucking douchebag" Jimin frowned. "Two"he lifted his second finger. "For drinking so much that you look like a corpse now"Jimin sighed deeply. "Three" he rose his third finger. "I know you have no idea how to approach Savannah cause you were the bottom of your previous relationship" Jimin perked up.

"Wait a minute-"

Sungwoon shushed him.

"Listen. Savannah seems pretty damn interested in you and you slipped up. If you pull some shit again,you are gonna lose her the same way you lost Yoongi"he said seriously. The look of despair appeared on Jimin's face. Yoongi was still a sensitive topic to him and now that Sungwoon mentioned him In such a situation made him feel even worse.

"I'm doomed in relationships "he said and set his head on the table. Pricks of tears felt at the corner of his eyes. Sungwoon sighed and leaned forward to pat Jimin's head.

"No you're not"he mumbled softly and looked at his drink. "Try being your actual self not the Jimin everyone knows,be the Jimin your friends and family know"

"I don't think I know how to be that Jimin anymore"The pink haired male mumbled lightly. Sungwoon snorted making Jimin lift his head to look at him.

"Your kidding,right?"Sungwoon asked. Jimin kept a neutral face. Sungwoon blinked in confusion. "Jimin,when I first met;I thought you were super shy and lacked confidence" Jimin grimaced. "But look at you now. Vice President and best Dancer in the University. You got a whole lot of stuff going on for you in the future." Jimin smiles half heartedly before sighing.

"Your point?"

"My point"Sungwoon continued. "Is that I want you stop trying to push all the pain away from the past. I need you to embrace it and finally when you are ready,let it go. Apologize to Savannah and make up for standing her up."

"You should be a guidance counselor"The pink haired male joked. The raven haired male smiled.

"Seems like a promising job"

Jimin pulled himself together at 3pm. It was dead hot in Seoul now yet very cloudy. Possible rain in the evening. The pink haired male cradled the bouquet of white and red roses to his chest. His heart beating rather rapidly. He had called Savannah earlier and she calmly agreed to see him. Jimin slowly padded to her room door,his hands getting sweaty.

The door opened before Jimin could knock. Savannah stood before him,a blank expression on her face. She had on :a black vest tank top with navy blue ripped skinny jeans and black sneakers. Her hair was let loose,disheveled almost. Jimin blinked slowly,checking her out.



There was silence between them,awkward silence that started to suffocate Jimin. The pink haired male handed her the roses to which she accepted.

"I'm sorry"he apologized. Savannah pursed her lips. The pink haired male pouted,Savannah glared at him

"Stop that"she said. Jimin looked at her confused.

"Stop what?"

"Being fucking cute and shit"

Jimin couldn't help but giggle which just made Savannah glare at him more. The pink haired male tilted his head to the side.

"Did you miss me?"

"I'm not gonna answer that"Savannah mumbled,shutting the door behind her after putting the roses in a vase "Where are we going?"

Jimin gazed at her.

"You'll see"

Han River Park. Jimin brought Savannah to Han River Park and she was awestruck. She grew up in Seoul,Sure,but she never got the opportunity to travel around and go site seeing.
The pink haired male leaned to the side,subtly slipping his hand into Savannah's. They were soft and small,

'nice to hold' Jimin thought

They stood at the bridge with the lights lit up. The waves of the river swayed back and forth,almost mesmerizing.

"I was a little mad when you didn't show up"Savannah said,holding Jimin's hand comfortably. Jimin glanced at her. The loud chatters and footsteps drowning them out from reality. "I was really happy when you asked to take me out. I got ready and all that,I don't know why I'm not angry at you. I think you have a valuable reason"

"I really don't"Jimin mumbled. "I went out drinking and partying,forgot to take you to see the cherry blossoms."he gazed at the river sadly. "I always mess up"

Savannah stared at him before looking at the river. The pink haired male sighed and looked at Savannah. It's dark now,the bridge lights are brighter making Savannah glow a little. Jimin felt his stomach churn.


The pink haired male hummed.

"I forgive you"she mumbled. Jimin looked at her relieved. "Just don't do it again. I really like being around you."

"So that verifies that you missed me"

"Yes idiot"she rolled her eyes and smiled at him. "I did"

Jimin smiled brightly,his eyes turning to crescents. Savannah felt her heart beat fast,heat rising to her ears.



"Smile more,make it a daily thing. I really like your smile"

Jimin quickly looked away,growing shy as his face bloomed as he blushed. He understands now,Sungwoon was right. Now that he has made things right with Savannah. He only needs to make Savannah fall for him and all is well.

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