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Savannah stirred awake,her head throbbing hard in her ears. Sunlight poured through the blinds at the windows into her room. The chestnut haired female groaned, pushing herself up into a sitting position. She still had on her outfit from yesterday and had fallen asleep on top of her blanket,her phone near her face.

The chestnut haired female sighed deeply,blinking slowly and gazing around her room. With a grunt,she got to her feet and padded to her closet to grab her towel. There was a silent ding that came from her phone that made her halt in her actions. She returned to her bed and leaned over to grab her phone,unlocking it to see a message from Seokjin.

Jinnie💕: I'm coming over

Savannah cussed under her breath and sent a quick reply to him before grabbing her towel and trudging to the bathroom.

Kim Seokjin aged 25,studying culinary and Drama. H e well known for being a kind hearted and funny person. Savannah and Jin met in the library as the older male was looking for books to study, he found Savannah sitting alone at the last section of the building. She only glanced at him and continued to nibble on her Doritos. Something drew him to her and he decided to accompany her at her table trying to bring up small talk.

"You know, Savannah.."Jin started,sitting opposite her. The mentioned female perked up from her thoughts, shifting her gaze from staring at her apple juice to the male before. Jin had arrived dressed up in a pink hoodie and black sweatpants, a sign that he didn't plan on going out. The two were currently having a brunch, something the older male had whipped up.

"yeah?" she asked confused, Jin shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.

"I've been thinking about my relationship with Namjoon." he mumbled, she rose her eyebrow at him.

"please don't tell me you plan on breaking up with him!" she asked concerned. Jin smiled softly and shook his head, Savannah visibly relaxed.

"I'm graduating soon and finding a place to stay. I..I want us to live together" he said timidly. "I really love Namjoon and would like to spend the rest of my life with him.." Savannah covered her mouth wither hands looking giddy.

"NO STOP. THAT'S SO CUTE. Listen Seokjin, I'm glad you are happy with Namjoon." she spoke softly, Jin shifted his gaze to his cup, a shy smile adorning his lips.

"Every time I think of it... think of us. I feel enthusiastic" he said wrapping his arms around himself, a love struck look on his pretty face. Savannah's smile slowly disappeared, her eyes glazing over. The mention of Love seemed to take a toll on her lately. Jin noticed her shift of behavior and straightened up in his seat.


"I had a panic attack yesterday"

Seokjin's eyes widened and he leaned forward to touch Savannah's hand on the table but she itched away making him shocked at her action. She shut her eyes and sighed.

"I haven't had one in years and it suddenly pops up out of nowhere, I don't have my meds anymore. I don't know...what to do" she trailed off.

The raven haired male got up from his seat and padded to Savannah's side, setting his hand on her head and pulled her into a hug. She shuddered, her throat growing dry and closing up.

'Don't cry, Savannah. Don't cry' she told herself.

The younger female shuddered again, wrapped her arms around Jin's waist and buried her face into his chest. Jin hummed and planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head.

"Its alright, Savannah" he said softly, rubbing her back. "I'm gonna stay over to make sure you are okay, okay?" She nodded and clutched the back of his shirt.

To say that Jin was Savannah's backbone is an understatement. She hasn't been at the University for long but he and Hwasa took care of her, especially Jin.

"Remind me why we are watching You" Jin asked with a deadpan look,Savannah looked up at him from laying her head on his lap,a large blanket covering the two up.

"Cause it's intriguing and there's  Season 2"she said with a little smile.

"Stalking shouldn't be an intriguing thing" he said and tapped on her forehead. The younger female flicked his finger away from her face and looked at the TV screen.

"It's not just stalking. There's something interesting about Joe and his love life."she mumbled,Jin pursed his lips and looked at the screen.

"What bothers you the most?" He asked softly,Savannah looked at him confused. " School,Family or Your life?"

"They are all equal in a way so I can't choose" she mumbled and sighed. "I just...I'm burdened. I feel like a burden"

"But you're not" Jin quickly interjected,Savannah tensed up and looked away.

"Can we the episode? I don't feel like talking"she mumbled frowning. Jin sighed and shifted to get comfortable.
Why did she feel like her space was being invaded? It's Jin for crying out loud,the guy who took care of her a lot. The younger female pursed her lips and stared at the TV, her mind preoccupied with many questions.

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