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There were times Jimin gets super confident and Cocky. It hides his shy and reserved side very well. Some call it a Sunny personality disposition,Sungwoon calls it a way for Jimin to get his dick sucked when he feels like shit or gets stressed. A lot of girls like Jimin,many guys as well but getting into his pants is a very hard task. He doesn't want any attachments with anyone he fucks with(male or female).

"Good morning Jimin"Hobi greeted,taking his seat next to the younger male. The said male smiled lightly,practically glowing with parted hair revealing his forehead. The cafeteria was loud and buzzing with many students,the noise kind of bothered Jimin.

"Good morning hyung. Did you sleep well?"he asked and Hoseok smiled lightly,raven hair ruffled messily.

"i did but I almost pulled an all nighter at my desk after studying for a LONG time"he mumbled and yawned lightly. "I'm good"

Jimin chuckled lightly in amusement before frowning.
"How is he doing?"
Hoseok glanced at him before looking at his open book.

"He's doing alright. He didn't sleep well yesterday cause he had an assignment due today. He's gonna hand it in and rest"


Jung Hoseok,23 year old in his 3rd year of Dance Culture and Health. He is everyone's sunshine and loves to play tennis for the University team(sometimes). Well known for being a great dancer.

Jimin's eyes drifted to a girl near the window talking her friends. She glanced his way before winking at him. The corner of hispink plump lips turned up and he bit his bottom lip.

"You are strange Park Jimin"

Jimin looked away from the girl to see Taehyung take a sit at the table,dressed up as a usual fashion icon. Grey hair messy but he still looked hot.

"Like a rabbit on heat"Hoseok said and Taehyung chuckled.

"One time he is a depressed looking puppy,the next he looks like he wants to fuck everyone in the University"

"Not everyone"Jimin interrupted. A smug look creeping up to his face. "Cmon can't I have fun once in a while?"

"I hope you get herpes"Hoseok mumbled under his breath. Jimin sent him a sharp glare. Jungkook sighed lightly as he sat himself next to Tae who by instinct snuggled closer to the male.

"Good morning"he said before yawning lowly. The three mumbled out a reply. "Did I miss anything?"

"Jimin might have herpes"Taehyung said with enthusiasm. Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked at Jimin.

"For real?"

"Jungkook cmon!"

Hoseok covered his mouth with his hand as he chuckled. Jimin rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee.

Jeon Jungkook,20 year old in his first year studying Art,music and Creative writing. Probably the most isolated person you'll meet in the campus,can be a meme or a jackass. Known for being super talented that it gets annoying.

Jimin's first lecture was Math,most likely his favorite subject. He was attentive through out the lecture,nibbling on an energy bar when he grew hungry in the first 30 mins.

After Math,Jimin made his way to the dance studio. The University was gonna hold a ceremony in a few weeks and he was chosen with few others to do a dance. Jimin decided on the traditional fan dance,all he needed were volunteers to be his backup dancers.

A loud slap echoed in the air,Jimin slowed to a stop,eyes wide as he took in the scene before him. The raven haired girl who had winked at in the cafeteria retracted her hand after slapping the chestnut haired brown tanned skinned female whose cheek started to redden and swell. Two girls stood behind the raven haired girl while the chestnut haired girl who was slapped stood alone,hazel eyes darkening as she clenched her hands to fists. She stared down at the female before her,Jimin completely unnoticed, and spoke in a low husky voice.

"You hit like a weak bitch"

In a quick motion,the chestnut haired female socked the raven haired female hard in the face making her stumble back into one of her friends. Jimin quickly stepped in letting authority ooze out of him.

"What's going on here?" He asked calmly catching everyone off guard. The raven haired girl put on a fake pained face worse than the one she had on before. A trail of blood trickling from her nose.

"That low life had the audacity to hit me"she said with a whine. The chestnut haired female narrowed her eyes at her.

"Firstly you hit me. Maybe if you keep my name out of your fucking racist mouth,you wouldn't have looked like an ugly tomato"she snapped earning a gape from the female. Jimin exhaled through his nose softly before looking at the raven haired female's friends.

"Please take her to the nurse before her bruise gets worse"he instructed. They bowed respectfully,helped the raven haired female up to her feet and walked away past the chestnut haired female who didn't even spare a glance at her.

"What are you gonna do to me,mr Vice President?"she said sadistically. "This isn't High school you know"she folded her arms,wincing inwardly at the sting on her cheek.

"Some people still act like immature high schoolers. I know college is a free place but if things get out of hand;drastic measures have to be put in."he said lightly before relaxing a little bit. "What's your name and what year are you in?" The chestnut haired female bit her bottom lips before speaking.

"Savannah Peyton,First Year"

Jimin nodded lightly and looked at her. His tough exterior disappearing to his gentle one.

"I'll let you off only cause you are a first year"he said and she rolled her eyes yet sighed inwardly in relief.

"Thanks VP"

"Call me Jimin...Park Jimin.."

Savannah rose her eyebrow before nodding.

"Alright.. Jimin"

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