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Savannah didn't answer Jimin's call. Just seeing his name made her nervous out of nowhere and mostly cause she was hanging out with Yoongi. She didn't want to be rude.
She quickly sent a quick message to Jimin before leaving the library with the raven haired male who had been silent the whole time. He seemed uneasy.

"Hey Yoongi"She called after softly and he turned his head to glance at her. "Are you alright?" The older male nodded lightly before looking away. Savannah sighed inwardly,wondering if she did something wrong.

The stars were out now and the streets weren't as crowded as before. It felt nice to walk in the evening with the soft chill breeze brushing against your skin. The duo made their way to Seoul Food. A really good noodle restaurant.

"Savannah"Yoongi began, gaining the female's attention. "Sorry for being so quiet. I had something on my mind bothering me"

'You can always tell me what's wrong Yoongi' She thought

"It's alright"she said and pushed the door open. "No need to apologize"

The two ordered their food and found an empty booth at the back near the tall windows. Yoongi slouched a little as he sat,long fingers rubbing his wrists. Savannah sat opposite him,clearly as tired as he was.

"Do you have plan tomorrow?"Savannah asked after a long pregnant pause. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"I plan on hanging out with someone tomorrow "he spoke lightly. "Unless you want to join,I don't think he'll mind"

'Oh so it's a he' she thought.

"I don't want to be trouble"she started and Yoongi rose his eyebrow at her.

"It's alright,Savannah. I'll let you know when we can meet" he said and she nodded.

Savannah opened the door to her dorm and softly trudged into the dark and silent place. She palmed the wall until she found the switch and flipped it on. Light flooded the place making her squint her eyes. She dropped her keys on the coffee table after shutting and locking the door behind her.

"So tired"she yawned lightly and padded into her room. Without turning her light on,She dumped her bag on her spin chair and flopped on the bed. Instantly falling into a deep slumber.


Savannah doesn't know what time it is but she's pretty sure it's midnight and her ringing phone,startled her awake. Sluggishly,she sat up on her bed;mindlessly moving her hands towards the chair. She groaned in annoyance and leaned a little closer to grab her phone sitting on her chair in her backpack side pocket. With a sigh of relief, she laid on her side and squinted her eyes at the screen as her phone rang again.


She swiped the green icon and pressed her phone to her ear.

"Hello"she spoke lowly,her thoart feeling dry. She needs a glass of water.

"Hey Vanna"Jimin spoke softly. A weird heat spread through her body and she felt a little more awake. Jimin's voice was soft yet low too. It made her feel all warm inside. "Do you have your laptop nearby?"

The female glanced at the table where her work stayed and made an inaudible sound of annoyance.

"Yeah,what's wrong?" She asked getting off the bed to grab her laptop.

"I just want to FaceTime you"he said quietly. Savannah made a sound that sounded like a whimper and a sob but covered it up as a cough.

"S-sure. Let me grab it,give me a sec" she said. She cut the call and quickly stripped into cute looking PJs. She ran to the bathroom to freshen up for the night and returned,flopping on the bed earning a creak. She cussed under breath for her carelessness and opened her laptop,turning it on.

Savannah sent Jimin a message that he could call her on her laptop and waited,hugging her pillow nervously.

It didn't take long for her laptop to show that there was an upcoming call. Savannah breathed out slowly and pressed the answer icon.

Jimin appeared on her screen,face squished on his pillow as his fading pink hair came in view in the dark room. Savannah buried her face on her pillow,her eyes only showing. The pink haired male turned his head to the side,his eyes fixed on her as the corners his lips twitched up into a small smile.

"What?"She asked and he hummed.

"Nothing"he mumbled lightly and blinked at her. "I really wanted to see you"

Her rapidly beating heart didn't help the heat that spread up to her face. She hugged her pillow tightly and pouted. He chuckled and shifted on the bed.

"How are you?"he asked and she sighed lightly.

"I'm alright"she responded before asking. "How are you?"

"I'm alright too just a little bored. Did you have fun hanging out with your friend?"he asked. The female moved her pillow revealing the rest of her face.

"Yeah even though we spent most of our time studying but I ate Ramen so I'm good" she told him and he nodded. There was silence,it wasn't awkward at all. Savannah shifted slightly on the bed and Jimin watched her,the little light shining from her laptop showed the skin of her abdomen as she stretched a little. Jimin smiled lightly,she had a soft tummy.

"Were you asleep before I called?"he asked and she looked at him.

"Yeah..well sorta"she said halfheartedly. Jimin hummed and blinked slowly.

"Lay down properly. I want to sing to you so that you sleep well" he said. Savannah did as told and looked at him. Their eyes met. The pink haired male cleared his thoart before parting his lips to sing.

All this is no coincidence
Just, just, by my feeling
The whole world is different from yesterday
Just, just, with your joy

Savannah's eyes widened hearing Jimin sing. The word Angelic is an understatement to describe how beautiful his voice was. They kept eye contact. Savannah felt like her heart was in her throat.

When you called me
I became your flower
As if we were waiting
We bloom until we ache

Savannah blinked slowly before they slid shut by themselves. Jimin's voice ringing softly in her ears,her mind growing foggy with sleep. The last thing she was Jimin softly speaking.


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