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Savannah stirred awake, her neck aching lightly cause of the position of her neck. The bright light shined into the open window in the living room brightening up the room. She grunted and shifted, noticing the pillow that was under her head instead of Jin's lap. She groaned, sitting up stiffly and got off the sofa.

The sound of the washing machine running is slightly loud when she padded into the kitchen where Jin sat at the table on his phone. At the sound of her footsteps, Jin perked up and turned to look at her.

"Morning" he greeted.

"Morning" she mumbled and took a seat opposite him. She glanced at the washing machine before looking back at him. Jin blinked slowly and set his phone on the table, a worried look on his face.

"I was looking for one of my hoodies that I had left a few months ago and..found blood on your pillowcase." he said softly.

"Blood?" she asked shocked, subconsciously swiping under her nose. "I probably had a nosebleed"

Seokjin leaned forward to cup Savannah's face, the closure making her crumble. She withdrew from his hands and shook her head, something doesn't feel right when he does that, not that she was scared of Jin. No, something at the back of her mind felt like it was blocked temporary,was resurfacing.

Jin backed away and sat back on his seat. He looked concerned and troubled, he sighed and folded his arms.

"We're going to the hospital, I don't know what is going on with you but I'm concerned." He spoke softly.

"I'm fine, Seokjin" she reassured and got up from her seat. With a soft smile, she looked at him. "I'm gonna take a shower then we'll go out, okay". Jin curtly nodded with a forced smile and watched Savannah leave the kitchen. With a sigh, he grabbed his phone and unlocked it. Scrolling through his contacts, he found the number he needed to call.



He got up from his seat in the living room and padded out of the dorm. By the fifth ring, he heard the call being picked up.

"Hello, Seokjin?"

"Hello Ria"

"Long time, no hear. How are you doing?" Her voice was light and cheerful, completely different from Savannah's husky one.

"I'm good. Are you free at the moment? There's something that I need to talk to you about..."

Savannah sank into the tub full of warm water, a lost look on her visage. She felt weird and not in a good way. Something was wrong with her,Jin was right yet she couldn't figure out what it was. She drew her legs to her chest,leaning her chin on her knees. She sat in the tub in silence, her skin feeling prune due to how long she's been in the water.

With a sigh, Savannah quickly washed up before getting out of the tub; rubbing her prune fingers. She could fainting hear Jin speaking to someone from outside. She pursed her lips as she tip toed to her room.

Jin and Savannah decided to spend their day at the park. Something about Sav needing some fresh air and they needed some bonding time.
It was dark by the time they got to Sav's Dorm Apartment, Jin mumbled about making Dinner for the two of them. Something that the younger female felt grateful.

Savannah flopped on the Sofa after stripping off her coat and shoes. She lazily grabbed the remote to turn on the TV when her phone rang. She leaned forward on the sofa to the coffee table,checking who was calling her.


She hummed, getting off the sofa and padded to her room for some privacy.

"Hey"she answered,sinking onto her bed.

"Hey" Jimin responded,she could tell he was smiling. "I missed you" she smiled shyly.

"I missed you too. How was your day?"she asked.

"It's been alright,I spent the day with Jungkook and he is sleeping over too."he told her,she heard shuffling from the back ground.

"Is that Savannah?" She heard Jungkook asked from the other line before Jimin answered. "SAV HEYYYY"

"Hey koo"she greeted,with a light giggle. "I can't wait for you guys to come back"

"Just a couple more hours"Jimin answered. "we have to sleep early today so that we can catch the train tomorrow"

"Alright, rest easy"she told them.

"Bring me a soda on your way to the train station,will ya?"Jungkook asked and she smiled softly.

"Sure thing"she told him.

"Goodnight Savannah"Jimin said,a bit of his satoori seeping out. The chestnut haired female  clenched a fist over her stomach, feeling butterflies soar.

"Goodnight Jimin"

Dinner with Jin was great. Savannah's mood was brightened making her feel a lot better than before that the two ended up playing UNO.

"I heard you talking to someone earlier"she begun, holding her cards away from Jin. The older male lifted his head to look at her curiously. "Who was it?"

"Oh,it was Namjoon" he lied with a soft smile. "He was checking up on us"

"That's sweet of him"she said laying down a card before Jin did the same. She cursed under her breath and drew a card from the deck. "Everyone's coming back tomorrow"

"I'm glad honestly. The campus is oddly quiet when only like 50 people are around."Jin spoke and laid down a card. "Uno"

"For Fuck Sake.."She grumbled under her breath. "Why are you so good at this game?"
Jin chuckled lightly.

"Experience and also you have to enjoy the game to be good at it,Savannah"he said,watching her lay a card down before adding his last card on top of hers. "See"

"Dude,Fuck you"she said,tossing on the table with a groan. Seokjin smirked while grabbing the cards and piling them together neatly. "Wanna go for another round?

Groaning, Savannah straightened up and smirked. An aura of confidence in her woke.

"Sure but this time I'll make sure to win"

Cue Jin rolling his eyes dramatically, he chuckled.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart"

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