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"A single snowflake represents the billions of others

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"A single snowflake represents the billions of others."


Daniella loved the snow with a passion, so whenever it came and made the ground raise a few inches, she would always find herself being outside and smothering herself all over the white flakes. However, she didn't like how she was stuck in school and the snow was littering the ground right outside her classroom window. With her hands folded underneath her chin and her mind wandering elsewhere as the teacher dragged on their lesson, she simply watched winter take over the adventurous month of December.

"One hundred percent again, Miss. Morgan." Her head quickly snapped to her teacher, watching as he slid her recent test in front of her and she silently let her smirk come and grow on her lips. "Maybe the class should be like Dani here and study." He said out loud, driving attention onto her which she disliked. Daniella was a shy person, always keeping her thoughts and questions to herself unless needed urgently. Her cheeks were colored red as she listened to snickers and as a habit of her nervousness, she started to play with her wild curls.

"Thank you." She whispered, her voice soft and cozy like a fire's warmth. She quickly grabbed her test along with the assignment she finished earlier and made them straight before placing them in her backpack, getting ready for lunch which would start in just a few seconds. Lunch was a place where teens could be free and socialize all they wanted, however, the case was very different for Danielle as she had no one to socialize to except for her mind. She didn't mind of course of the idea of not having friends. Sure, it could make her sad at some moments, but most of the time she was fine. Being alone could be peaceful, except when it lasts almost all your life.

So when she arrived in the crowded room filled with musical teens, she opted to sit in the library rather than being bothered with them. She sat in the quiet room, letting her bag fall against the desk and she let her lunch bag lay against the wooden table before she sat down. Her lips curved upwards as she found peace in the room. Books surrounded her as well as the newest apple computers which she noted she needed to test sometime soon. It was all quiet in the large and spacious room besides the noise of her hums and her food being place out in front of her. However, as she was snacking on an apple slice, the doors were opened to reveal a bustling man. One eyebrow lifted as she saw a blond man enter, his features twisted with agony as he breathed in and out, his breaths heavy as if he was running away from something.

The part the interested her the most was when he locked eyes on her, she noticed that his eyes color was something unusual. Pools of amber and gold were painted on them and she swear she lost her breath for a moment. He was beautiful from the way his eyes sparkled or to the way when he saw her, he let out a small, "Hello." She gushed over the twang he produced and inwardly scowled as her cheeks lightened. "Is-Is anyone else here?" He asked, gulping as he came closer to her. Daniella shook her head as she continued to chew on her apple slice.

"A-are you okay?" She mumbled to him, her eyes softening when he noticed his features showed fear. "Sir?"

"I-I'll be alright." He mumbled back just as low as her voice. "May I sit with you?" Taken aback, Daniella produced a small smile before gesturing to the seat in front of her which the blind quickly took. "My name is Jasper." He spoke after a moment of silence. "What about you? What's your name?"

No one really asked her this and she stared at him with wide, blue eyes before she answered. "Daniella Morgan." Jasper nodded, clasping his hands together in front of him as he let himself calm. However, with her presence right next to him, he felt his irritation float away and be replaced with a placid wave. It intrigued him, however, he simply pushed away the thoughts coming in his mind as he focused on her wonderful personality. She may have said just a few words, but each one hit him in a unusual way and he found himself curious.

"What brings you here?" She asked, offering him some food which he politely declined. "You seemed to be in a hurry," she commented and he shrugged in response.

"Been in school here for a year and I still can't handle some things."

"A year?" She echoed, taking a sip of her can of cola. "I'm sorry, but I've never seen you here before. Well, I really don't pay much attention of anything outside of my mind." She giggled softly to herself and let out some more as the man in front of her did also. Daniella couldn't explain this sudden connection to him. She felt more free and she could express the things she hid more. She was scared of it, but all at the same time she loved it.

"Yeah, me and my siblings attend here. Alice, Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie. We're all unique in our own ways." He explained, moving his hands around as an effect.

"Interesting. It's strange how I've never seen you all before." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"We're on the more quiet type." He admitted, watching as she bit into a sandwich as she watched him speak. "But we usual talk among ourselves."

"Where are they? If you don't mind me asking." She asked, watching him curiously as he gestured towards the exit.

"Hangin' in the lunch room while I hang out here. Teens these days are so rowdy."

"Can't help but agree with you." She mumbled starring at him for a moment and tilting her head to the side. "I-I wonder if you're in any of my classes." He asked for her schedule and she went ahead and told him. "So history?" She questioned and watched as he nodded, his waves bouncing along too.

"Well-" Jasper stood as the bell rang, jerking his head towards the door, "-wanna tag along with me? I heard Mr. Benson has lots of notes prepared for us to write." Jasper waited as the wild curly haired woman gathered her things and followed long with him and for once in her life, Daniella felt fine talking to a stranger.

Or hopefully, a new friend and the start of a new adventure in her life.


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