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"She was seen as a monster of many humans, but to that boy, she was his friend

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"She was seen as a monster of many humans, but to that boy, she was his friend."


It wasn't until May that her eyes were fully coated with a layer of amber. The dangerous, ruby eyes she once owned were changed to show that she was accustomed to her new diet. Her skin, still and ivory color, was strong as stone as she leaped up the tree, chasing Sam Uley as his giggles traveled down to her. The cast that was once on his arm was now gone and showed his rustic skin and his hair that was tied on a small on his head contrasted with his skin. Sam looked down at her, smiling with his two front teeth almost completely regrown into adult teeth. The boy had grown so much and when he would go on about the adventures he had in school and his fear for attending middle school, she was there to help him, explaining that there would be new things to experience. And when she did this, he would return the favor and speak to her about the humans in his area, going on about the legends that she knew were very true.

Now, as they were perched on the tree and the sound of the birds fluttering and singing around them filled the silent layer on them, they turned to each other. Gold meeting brown. Child meeting a teenager. A boy meeting a girl. Yet she labeled it as a human meeting a vampire once again and not caring to accept her. Sam counted her as his friend and a protector too. He could just see it as she smiled at him that she was going to be someone that he would never forget.

He cleared his throat, looking down at the ground shyly. "I and my uh, mom were at the market today. We saw your sister."

Months and months had passed since she last saw the woman and Summer had come to terms with it. Guilt would always fill her whenever she would think about Summer, her smile would make her frown, her joy would make her blue. It was her that was creating an effect on Daniella and she wished she could run into her arms, like when she was just a little girl. The memories they spent together reminded her of so much and the fact, the one that bolded in her head, was that she couldn't die. Daniellanwould has to watch as Summer aged before flying up towards the sky with her parents.

She believed that her parents were saddened and confused that their youngest wasn't up there with them and watching as time passed down below them. Her heart would beat for them, but it was only her imagination. Her heart was dead yet she was labeled as alive.

Focusing back on the boy, her lips slowly fell. "How is she, Sam?"

Nothing escaped his lips for what seemed like a century. He didn't want to hurt her when he explained, "She was with her boyfriend and they were laughing down at the ice cream section." His tongue poked out as he licked his lips, silently trying to let his chapped lips soften. "A golden band was on her finger, Dani."

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