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"Everyone in this damn family is beautiful!"


Letting her curls fall by her shoulders, Daniella stepped into the bath, the aroma making her relax more by the seconds. Outside, in the living room, were the Cullen Clan who were busied by the one and only Summer Morgan. "So," the older sister begun as the golden eyes immortals stared at her in interest, "you guys are friends with my baby sister, huh?"

They all either hummed or nodded.

"I've got to lay down some warnings, cool?" Before any of them could answer, she answered for them. "Cool." Rearing back, she tightened her ponytail before beginning. "Let's start with the beginning. One: You dare hurt my sister, you better damn know that I won't waste a chance to find you all, grab a hold of your pretty locks of hair-" Rosalie's eyes widened at this and unknowingly grabbed her pretty blond locks in her hands. "-and make sure you'll see and feel hell. I'll show you what this mama bear can do. Alright, onto thing number two: Dani has boundaries that you all need to know. She's shy and delicate, like a flower almost and well..."

Standing up, the woman walked over to their fire place before picking a photo and placing it into the arms of Edward Cullen. "That's our Parents. Phoebe and Johnson. They, um, died around five years ago i-in a fire. It was a d-devastating event and I may be sensitive about it, but Daniella is way more sensitive. I don't bring it up often unless I wanna witness that saddening sight of her locking herself in her room for a day and her sobs just echo in this home."

Jasper sent a wave of peacefulness to the woman, watching as her features fell and a small, a very small grin appeared on her face. "They were our heroes." Edward passed the picture to Emmett then and the large boy looked at it, his eyes squinted on the girl with insanely curly hair piled into two ponytails on either side of her head. Grinning lowly, he noticed as one of her front teeth was missing and she couldn't be older than nine. She was adorable in the eyes of Emmett Cullen and when he looked at her eyes, his grin grew into a full-on smile. Her eyes still sparkled as they do now back then.

Summer noticed the way he looked at her sister and she felt herself soften on the boy. "You're looking at her as if she's the most precious thing ever, Mr. Cullen." As her words hit him, he looked up to her.

"She is." He blurted and instead of the older sister feeling protective, which she did a twinge, she patted the boy on his shoulder.

"Daniella is a precious little flower."

"I am not." Daniella walked in then, clamping the towel around her hair as she tried to dry it some more, but the girl had a thick main and it would take, for her, what seemed like forever. Looking up at Summer, her blue eyes shimmered with disagreement as she fixed her pajamas: a size-too-big sweatshirt that belonged to her aunt and a pair of pink shorts. "I am a strong flower, Sum."

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