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"The Volturi will come to kill."

Daniella shook in her spot, her trembling hands gripping the dining room chair, yet it only shook along with her body. Every Culle stood in that room, even Raven who was more confused than anyone. They all stood there, listening as Edward's voice dlowed inside the room, holding only the truth as he spoke of the royal group called the Volturi. The name caused chills to run up everyone's spines, especially Daniella's.

Edward, who stood at the end of the table with a maroon colored shirt covering his body, continued, "Aro, of course, will want to read her mind. He will take her hand and read every thought she had." A sigh fell from his lips. "We must call the other Covens, we need as much help as we can get, Carlisle."

The blonde doctor frowned, moving his arms from his back to fold to his front, a saddened look crossing his pale features. "I don't think they'll come, my son. It is too late. They won't be-"

"Unless we take her with us," Alice quipped, tightening her hold on her mate's arm. "Carlisle, I've seen it before. After her being brought into this life, I had a vision of her meeting them, the Denali coven. They're our closest family. Only time would tell when she would meet them and now is the time." Her amber eyes rose to study the clock. "We have twelve hours. We must leave soon, Carlisle."

To herself, Daniella felt more weighed being added to hunched shoulders. Her back was arched as she slumped against the chair, the feeling of sweat falling on her forehead, yet it was never there. "I-I... we should," Daniella chocked, feeling panic climb up her spine. "I need to meet them."

She pushed herself away from the chair, her eyes staying focused on the floor as she wandered to her mate. Their hands interlocked; their eyes never interlocking. "We have twelve hours, correct? I'll grab my shoes and we head up there." Her eyes finally lifted to meet Carlisle's. Daniella's voice grew soft, "We need help, Carlisle. I know you're the leader of this family and coven, but we need help. This is my fault; my accident. Please, understand that we need them." A sigh escaped his lips just as she added, "It's our best option."

His answer was his sigh. He quickly turned around, disappearing for a moment before returning with the jingle of his keys. "Emmett," Carlisle called for his son's attention, "You take Daniella, Edward and Raven. Rosalie-" he called for his daughter's attention, "-take Alice and Jasper. Esme and I will stay here and protect Summer if needed."


Daniella stiffened immediately at them mention of her sister and the idea of her being in the middle of danger. Summer Morgan was the only biological family she had, and losing her would kill her. Even if she was already classified as dead. Though, the news classified her as missing.

The curly-haired girl gripped Emmett's arm, signaling that they should leave. Emmett nodded towards his brother and Raven before he was whisking him and Daniella towards the door that lead to the garage. Daniella's hands fell from his to open up her door, pushing herself inside the leather interior. Listening, she heard the two boys pile into the back.

"The Denali coven will be surprised to know who you two are," Edward said from the back, not caring to buckle himself in. "Tanya, Irina, Kate... all of them will be surprised. At least your eye colors have reverted to our shade: gold." She looked back at him then, her eyes showing her eye color in a more brighter way. "They'll be wary at first."

A nod was sent his way by Daniella before her attention was flashed towards the front, the sound of the garage door retreating to reveal the chilly, yet beautiful outside world.

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