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"Snow, snow, and more snow? Will it ever stop?!"


"Edward." Alice glared at her brother who wouldn't shut up about how 'stupid' the movie, Frosty The Snowman was. "Shut up. This is the, like the twentieth time I've told you." He rolled his amber eyes before letting his back fall flat against Daniella's pink sheets, breathing softly as he relaxed. Daniella sat in between the two on her bed, a soft grey blanket wrapped around her body and a bag of grapes sitting in front of her. Alice was beside her, a pillow close to her chest that she hugged while her toes were wiggling close to the end of the bed as she waited for her raspberry colored nails to finish drying.

Together the trio continued watching the old but memorable movie that Daniella adored for as long as she could remember. The blond tossed a purple, plump ball in her mouth as she glanced at her own toes that were painted with a medallion color, a favorite of hers. "I always thought Frosty was adorable," Daniella commented as she watched Santa come onto the screen and her lips tugged upwards.

"He is!" Alice jerked her head towards her before jerking it back to the TV screen. "A classic, actually. He is one of my favorites." To this, Edward surprised a groan as he checked his watch to notice it was rounding towards ten and he felt his throat burn slightly. He needed food and he needed it soon. The burning was subtle, he noted inside his head and soon he let his power leak onto Alice who also had the same burning feeling. The hunger that resided within them and the hunger that no ordinary human would ever know. But Edward had a feeling that the girl he laid next to may know that feeling one day.

Sitting up, he excused himself and left the room and as he entered the hall, he listened for Daniella's sister, who from the soft snores he heard, was asleep in her dream world. Then, with the speed he was reborn with, he was out of the house in an instant and he knew he had to make this trip quick and he quickly sent a message to Alice as he ran past the trees that were around the apartment complex.

Stay with her. Distract her from her questions about him and my whereabouts.

Alice was doing her job right after that and her amber eyes drifted from the screen to look towards her friend to see her eyelids drooping. She grinned to herself, already on the verge of sleeping. Edward grinned also, jumping over a log that had snow coating it and soon he reached the mountains and could hear the noises of sleeping lions. His meal was found and as he was about to jump high and catch them, a voice broke through the air.

"Coming for a midnight snack?" Emmett grinned at his brother, his arms folded against his chest and the white snow contrasted with his dark hair and a leather jacket. "Mountain lions are on the menu?" The boys laughed, the joyous noise echoing through the forest and Edward slapped a hand on his back.

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