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"He had vibrant hair and this lip ring and- why no! I do not like him!"

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"He had vibrant hair and this lip ring and- why no! I do not like him!"


During her time in high school and now being a senior, she knew how the kids could get so rowdy once it hit the end of the first semester. Standing in the lunchroom, trying to slither through the crowd of teens of all different genres, she found herself stuck and slightly annoyed. All the woman wanted was to sit among her friends and eat her lunch, her stomach rumbling just reminded her of that. Grumbling under her breath, she fixed the bag in her hands and the sleeves of her backpack and once again, tried to slither her way towards the Cullen table.

Daniella found herself pushed back, a teen with vibrant, green hair sticking his tongue out at her when she tried to travel through the crowd.

"Ahh, you're that really smart girl in my science class, yeah?" She realized who the boy was, Andrew Raven, and the boy was like a deck of cards. His green eyes were like venom and his personality was a twist - he could be a kind soul at one moment and a complete jerk the next. Daniella knew this all too well.

"Y-Yes," she whispered, weakly and fumbled with her lips. Playing with his lip ring, he quirked an eyebrow and grew a grin that many could see as dangerous. Instead of it being seen as dangerous, he hurled his arm around her shoulders and brought her through the crowd which opened for the two. "Thank you, Andrew." Looking into his eyes, he softened his gaze and shrugged before looking back at the crowd of students.

"These kids are just some big assholes who never know to back off, ya' know?" Not saying it out loud, Daniella couldn't help but agree. So, she gave him a small nod as his eyes followed his gaze and together the pair looked at the crowd of teens, the yells of them echoing off the walls in a way that made Daniella label them as insane. "It's all the grades and I don't know what the hell it's about, but there are rumors that the grads' are exiting through those doors for their final farewells."

"O-oh, that's fantastic that kids get to graduate early and things," Daniella said awkwardly, fiddling with the straps of her lunch bag before she looked up to Andrew. "Thanks for saving me back there, Raven."

He ruffled her curls before escaping, his body being hidden by the crowd and once he was gone, Daniella finally turned around and walked over to the table full of beauties. "H-Hello." She mumbled once she arrived, her blue eyes falling onto them and Alice was quick to wave eagerly at her. Edward graced a gentle smile, which Jasper also matched. For Rosalie, the blond that Daniella admired to have such beauty as her, she looked off to the side, her slim finger prodding at an orange. Then there was Emmett, he looked up to Daniella, a soothing look on his face and in seconds, Daniella was seated between him and Alice.

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