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"The snow came and came and made it seem it would never go away..."


She didn't like how her mind was thinking of ideas of the Cullens. Each one filled with suspicion from their pale and cold skin to their honey glazed eyes. Daniella sat there on the chair during lunch, watching as each member of the family rambled on about their lives while Emmett simply glanced every few seconds at the confused Daniella.

"You okay?" Alice suddenly popped in, placing a soft touch on her shoulder as she inspected her with wide eyes. Edward looked on too, digging through her mind and as he saw her wonder about the coldness of her touch, he sucked in a wary breath and his eyes widened a bit too. "You look all worried. That's not good." Alice tapped her slim finger against her lip in thought before her features brightened up.

"How does a game of baseball sound?" She asked with excitement running through her.

"Alice no." Rosalie hissed, looking between the confused Daniella and the pouting Alice. She swallowed thickly, "I don't think it's wise to do that."

"Maybe." Emmett drawled, looking at his girl-friend and trying his hardest not to throw himself on the girl sitting next to her. "Baseball is a great time to bring everyone together."

"You guys should go." Daniella whispered weakly, poking at her pasta with her plastic fork. She fixed a fake smile on herself. "Besides, I'm not that good at sports. Well, unless you count sleeping." Alice giggled at that before curving a grin.

"Ah!" Alice breathed, beaming as she swung an arm around her new friend's shoulder and ignoring her soft flinch at the contact. "I just love you." Daniella's fake smile seemed to turn real as she hugged the skinny woman back, letting her warmth fill up the one who was cold. It was all noticed by everyone and they were shocked. Wouldn't she comment on their body temperature?

She wouldn't. Her thoughts were kept still in her head as she let new ones flow. All of the new thoughts including why Emmett was starring at her so much. However, she simply shrugged at the ideas. People would usual stare at her because of her wild curls or her shy personality and how people would be shocked when she would squeak put anything. Yet here she was talking among them as if she knew the family her whole life. It made her feel proud - how she could feel so free surrounded by so many unique people. She could just let loose and tell them anything and they would keep it among themselves. That was who the Cullens are.

They keep secrets well hidden.

"You sure?" Alice asked, pouting still as her golden eyes fell upon her new friend. "We love baseball."

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