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"When she spoke of death, that's when the realization of the importance of life was shown."

When the three of them arrived at the apartment, Summer snapped at both of them. Her eyes held a fire in them as she marched towards Emmett. "You sick, son a-" She stopped suddenly when a cold, hard hand was placed firmly on her shoulder and pulled her away from him like a dog on a leash. She was shocked for a moment; her eyes glancing over to her sister who shook her head in disappointment. All Dani wanted to do was talk and it seemed like Summer wasn't allowing her to do that. "We aren't done, Cullen," Summer grumbled and shivered under the cold weather. "Let's get inside." Daniella gave a nod in response and dropped down to retrieve the key from their little bird feeder they kept hanging by their door. Seconds later, the door was edged open and all of them whisked away in the house like a soft hit of wind. Daniella's feet were soft on the carpet and when she took a sniff of the house, she smelt the memories that she shared here. Well, then there was the smell of Summer that made her tremble as she tried to push away the stinging sensation in her throat.

"It's hard at first," Emmett said lowly, catching his mate's attention. "It took me months and I can see you shaking, Dani, I'm sorry we have to do this. As much as you wanna speak to her on your own, I have to come with you to make sure-" he lowered his voice some more so Summer's ears wouldn't catch them, "-you don't attack her."

  Though she hated being seen that way, she was glad he was here. She needed his support. When she turned her head away, she found Summer entering the room as she left to fetch some warmer clothes. Her hair was let loose, her blonde waves framing her face and her eyes seemed to soften a bit when they landed on Daniella, yet uncertainty was still there. She cleared her throat, alerting them to take a seat. And they did. Emmett sat in the chair while Daniella and Summer took a seat on their old couch, the material making Daniella smile a bit before fading when she came face-to-face with her big sister.

  "When I'm mad, I'm mean," Summer began, sending an apologetic look to Emmett. "I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry for lashing out at your family and when  I was changing, I realized that." Her eyes shifted to Daniella. "But Dani, something's up with you. First, last time I checked, you had blue eyes and not scary red ones. Secondly, you're cold, but not a normal cold feeling. Thirdly, you did something back there that I couldn't control, so that's why I believe you, maybe, but the Cullen clan are vampires. Those things we see in horror films. I seriously cannot believe this."

  "That's because it isn't real, Summer. It's all fake," Emmett assured, sending her a soft look. However, Summer shook her head, a small smirk falling on her chapped lips. "I'm not that dumb, Cullen," she said, confidence in her words as she spoke. "You're a vampire and I'll blame that book that a man I know talked about. I'm sorry I know about your secret and I'm sorry that I'm going to have to kill you because my own sister is one now."

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