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"He stood there with red eyes that were leaking with something that made trepidation roll up your spine..."


Her blond curls were tied to the back of her hair and her hands got to work as she sorted through her papers. The sun was hiding that day behind the clouds and she had to look at the clock many times to make sure it still wasn't night time. Besides, the teenager was up and at it last night after the Alice's words plagued her mind in a way where all she could focus on was those cold faces that the book spoke about. Daniella really didn't know how to feel. Curiosity was there, fear mixing along with it, but the excitement of knowing there is another being out there, well if she would call the family yet.

In her mind, she could understand that if this was exactly true, she knew why they would keep it secretive. The world would erupt in fear and horror to learn that vampires exist. They dine on blood and live on forever. They had special abilities that a normal human could never hold. The list goes on and on and it made her head spin. So she got up after she gathered the papers up, she stacked them on the desk before tucking them away in her drawer for use later on in her interesting spin on life.

Summer had gone to work that morning so Daniella found herself alone, she decided to use this time to work more on her curious feelings. She, herself, felt like a scientist almost, a mad one at that. Here she was putting all her effort in for a silly theory and she still kept that judge on herself; why was she making assumptions on the family? In her eyes they were lovely in their very own ways and she adored how they all accepted her and brought them into their world so easily. As the blond thought this while working on making herself a bowl of cereal, an idea popped into her mind that made the box slip from her grip and fall to the floor with a bang!

The Cullens caught her so easily; did this mean that instead of her being their friend, she was actually their meal? The thought made her unconsciously grow bumps across her skin. However, she shook off the thought. They wouldn't do that, right? Enchanting, was what they were and she trusted them, even though she only know less than half of who they really were. With the book, however, she believed that it possibly could he connected to some sort of truth.

Eating her ceral, she thought about tell the family, maybe she could play it off as some kind of joke. It made her feel weird believing that they were some mythical creatures that feast on blood, but it didn't scare her all that much. Sure, she could be a nervous wreck and be frightened of the smallest of things, but in this case, she felt calm. She couldn't explain it, it was just there. So, as she scooped another spoonful of her Frosted Flakes, she thought back on the more weirder side of the Cullens. Golden eyes were something they all shared along with their breathtaking, flawless skin - Daniella also thought it could be related to their skincare routine. Then there was their cold skin. The thing that would always catch her off guard.

Cautious  | Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now