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"Her discovery led to great things, one of them being the man she sat by

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"Her discovery led to great things, one of them being the man she sat by. But when destiny twists their lives, something kills them both."


Alice gripped the book tightly as she watched Emmett walked down the hallway, using the back of his hand to wipe off excess blood that dangled on his chin. His stature was strong but still shaking slightly from the adrenaline or more so vampire version of it in him, that felt good, he thought as he looked down at the crimson-red fluid that was stained on his hand. Alice glanced up to him, her mouth-watering at the smell and sight of blood. "Mind if we switch?" She questioned, already placing her novel by her side and standing up. "That does smell delicious."

Emmett nodded and switched places with Alice, he didn't want to disturb Daniella and wake her up if he entered her room. So he stayed outside and he didn't mind, he was comfortable and even hours later, when the clock was closing in on the three in the morning, he was on the couch and watching a movie with the volume turned down enough for Daniella to continue to slumber.

But when he suddenly heard her door creak open, the sound of her feet mushing the carpet under her weight, that's when he lifted himself off and he made his way over to the hall to find the bathroom's light slowly diminishing as she retreated away. He grimaced when his ears picked up the noises and he waited patiently for her to finish. When she did, she looked at him in confusion, her hair tangled into a nest behind her head and her eyes drooping with how tired she was, but silently, she extended her arm out. "Come on," she whispered and eagerly, he followed. Together, the walked to her bed and she tossed herself into the mountain of blankets before patting the spot next to her. He was hesitant to lay next to her and he wondered why, he did earlier, but now, it felt off. Almost as if he was breaking a rule, but once his eyes met her beautiful, shining blue ones, he relaxed and laid himself next to her.

Her eyes, dropping from her escape from the depths of her dreams, watched as he moved, how the mattress fell with his weight. Studying Daniella for a moment, noticing how she was about to fall back asleep, he tried to make as much space as possible for them as he was large with a height that went way over six feet and for the girl next to him, he was like a cat compared to her size that reminded him of a mouse. Her hair was clumped together behind her and he hesitantly pulled some away from her face so she could sleep more comfortably. "Thank you," she whispered and he didn't know if it was from the small thing he did or the way she led him into her room, wanting a friend to be near her as she slept.

The moon was shielded by her lace curtains, but light still leaked through and created a glamorous glow on her skin. He could see her small details before but this time it was painted with a different look that made him fascinated. Her freckles were sprinkled on her skin, large and small ones scattered against her. Pimples could be seen across her pale features and as much as she got irritated by them and grew self-conscious, Emmett didn't care. They just added to who she was. He knew that being perfect was impossible, that's why there was imperfect and that was what Daniella Morgan exactly was; imperfect. It could be seen as negative to say such a thing, but he hated people who saw themselves as perfect, being imperfect was much better. You were different from either the inside or the outside with Daniella's flaws, it made her that special word.

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