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"We can't make assumptions. We look at the evidence, make a theory, and we must test that theory. It is strange in the world, but this-this is something unbelievably strange..."


Daniella smiled as Emmett offered her the popcorn after he tried his hardest to shape his face into comfort as the horrendous taste of popcorn entered his mouth. Thanking him through a whisper, Daniella placed the orange bowl in her lap, her eyes focusing back on the movie that they were all watching and she took note on how the bear-like boy she sat next to would always lower his gaze onto her breath unsteadily. She wondered, to herself, if he was annoyed by the way she switched her position on the couch, looking for a comfortable position or that she would tap her fingers on her legs when an intense part of the film would play.

But Emmett was nowhere near annoyed, instead, he was lost in a trance. He could feel her heart fluttering like a tune in her chest whenever something sparked in the movie that would make her excited or even disappointed. Overall, he enjoyed the aspects of her, even though the barely knew each other.

"Is-Is something wrong?" Daniella questioned him, worry filling her when she noticed how he was fidgeting in his spot next to her. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" She added, eating the bowl out of her lap, which Summer took eagerly before returning her attention to the television. For the youngest Morgan, she watched as Emmett shook his head slowly.

"Huh? No, no, I'm just, you know... bored." He decided on saying instead of admitting that she was causing his dead heart to a hundred miles when her innocent self faced him. Jeez, Emmett thought as he looked at her blue, almost ocean-like eyes. She is like a darn flower. She's so small and caring and just, just so damn beautiful. Those wild curls an-

I'm trying to enjoy this movie, you buffoon. Hearing Edward enter his mind, Emmett suddenly frowned and it just added to Daniella's worry. Before she could question him once again, before her worrying voice could enter the room, he placed a hand on her leg, feeling her shiver from his cold touch. He cringed quickly, removing his hand.

"Don't worry about you making me uncomfortable, Dani. You're perfectly fine and even though we barely know each other, you always make me grow a smile on my face. I think it's like your very own personal job: making others happy."

Instantly, she blushed deeply, smirking to herself at his words. "Really? You know, sometimes I wonder if people get annoyed by me. I mean, I can be shy like, seventy-five percent of the time and I can stutter a whole lot - I'm really usually normal around my sister." Dragging her finger along the stitches of her jeans, Daniella looked to the side. "It's one of the many reasons why I never really had friends."

Cautious  | Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now