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"Her words revealed something else in the boy

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"Her words revealed something else in the boy..."

When her feet were planted firmly on her apartment's floor, she dumped her bag by the door, along with her boots, hat, and mittens before finally her coat was tossed on its hanger. Emmett stood by her, watching her movements, maybe she did this every day, he wondered and watched as she beckoned him into her living room. He followed shortly after, tugging off his own boots, but he had no large coat like her but instead wore a garnet-colored hoodie that made his skin sparkle in a way that made her feel warm almost. "Come on and sit, I'm gonna toss on some jammies." With a short nod in response, she scurried down the hall to fetch on some more comfortable clothes, so he took this time to look around her abode.

The place was old, he could immediately tell from the flower wallpaper down the hallway to the chips on the ceiling. It made him smile at the sight before he crept around, looking at the photos on the wall and on the tables. A young Daniella could be seen in some and he snorted quietly to himself as he stumbled upon one with her face covered in cake and her tongue poking out of her mouth like she was a dog.

"Oh no." Daniella suddenly breathed as she saw him looking at an embarrassing photo of herself. Tugging on the strings of her shorts, she bounced over and gently pulled her friend away from the sight of her three-year-old-self. "Why must you look at the worst picture of me?"

He smiled silently and shook his head as she placed the picture to wear it was faced down and the photo couldn't be seen. "I still have a thing called memories, you know?" Daniella playfully rolled her eyes and wandered off to her kitchen but before her foot stepped on the tile, she halted and went to where her bag was. "Oh, I better place this where I can read later. But knowing Summer, she'll probably snag it first."

"Is your sister just like that?" He mused, watching as she grew a hint of a grin. "She lots of things, Cullen, " she retorted and made her way towards the couch, grabbing the remote and her friend along the way. "However, right now, I believe it is time for some Fresh Prince." And once she turned on the television, up popped up said show and she grinned. What a coincidence! Silencing her thoughts, she grabbed the throw blanket and laid it over her and Emmett's laps, though the stone-like man didn't need it. Still, he admired her ways and let it happen.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Daniella asked as a coat of silence covered the both of them. For a moment he thought of what to talk about; there were many things. Possibly he could tell her about how he lived the last few decades as an immortal or he could go on about his human life, but instead, he grabbed her hands and looked deeply at her. "Let's talk about you. I know the easy stuff about you, but what's hidden in you. You don't have to reveal your deepest, darkest secret, but tell me something you wouldn't normally tell an average man. I mean, I'm nowhere near average." This was true and a giggle escaped her lips.

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