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"Forever is just a word, will you make it possible?"

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"Forever is just a word, will you make it possible?"


"Strawberries are gross," Alice explained to the girl, nudging the berry with the end of her fork before letting her eyes meet blue. "I personally believe melons are the prime in the fruit family." She leaned back in her chair, her hands coming up to brush hair behind her ears as she smiled at Daniella. "However, fruits are overall amazing."

Daniella whispered, "Agreed." She grabbed the berry and chucked in her mouth, chuckling as Alice playfully rolled her eyes and took a sip of her water, inwardly hating the taste.

"I'm assuming we're gonna have a snow day sometime soon," Jasper commented, starring longly outside as the snow blanketed the ground. "But yet again winter break is heading up."

Alice sighed, "Just one more week and we'll be free." She glanced outside before glancing back at the other two who sat at the table. "It's also Washington so who knows. We always have cloudy weather, which I love. What about you, Daniella? Do you like snow? I've just met you today and I wanna know more. Jaz hogged you yesterday," she playfully jabbed a finger into his arm before starring at Daniella, waiting for her to answer.

"Winter is my favorite season." She admitted to the girl before munching on a cracker. "I love the snow and the cold and the beautiful things it can give. Things die, but the snow just brings it back to life. I love sitting by the fire and the warm clothes. I love it all." She smiled, however, it faltered as an annoyed woman came rushing in, slamming her binder on the table.

Jasper was quick to send a wave of calmness towards her and soon her head fell and softened. "I swear some people aren't meant to-" she frowned, letting her words fall and didn't let her sentence finish. "Who are you?" She suddenly asked, taking notice of the other blond girl. "Are you a new student?" As she raised her finger to clarify, Alice budged in.

"Rose, this is Daniella." She smiled, placing a hand on the girl's arm. Brown eyebrows scrunched in wonder as she felt her child touch and as it left, it left a feeling on her. She gently rubbed the spot to gain back warmth before she focused her attention on Rosalie. "Daniella meet Rosalie. She's Jasper's twin." Alice explained as she watched Rosalie closely, knowing all too well that the vampire held an interesting personality and she could be quick to judge.

"Well then, hello." She mumbled, sitting down next to the blond. "Sorry, but I've never seen you here before." Once again, before she could muster up and answer, this time Jasper came in to answer.

"She's shy." He mumbled, gesturing towards Daniella herself. "She is a wonderful person, though." Daniella blushed under that statement before quietly thanking him. "Ask her a thing or two and she'll have an answer ready."

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