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"They were born to shares kisses, hugs, and warmth, for love planted everything ahead of their endless lives

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"They were born to shares kisses, hugs, and warmth, for love planted everything ahead of their endless lives."


Life was both tragic and simple whenever you played the game. For Daniella Morgan, she played life constantly, even if she was technically dead. Those who knew of her still living, existing was the Olympic Coven, the Denali Coven, and Daniella's biological family. A family that now spans from not only Summer and her husband Adam, but her nephews and nieces too.

 With age, Summer and Adam had five children which still shocked Daniella to this day. First, they had twin girls, Layla and Sarah. The came along their middle child, Grant and her final two boys, Nolan and Sean. Since the children were still of young age, they weren't taught the truth of their aunt. They believed that she simply held her younger beauty and would forever.

 Nearly a decade has passed since the days filled with a child named Sam that she slowly lost contact with as the wolves rose. Though, from what Edward had informed her, Sam was still there. And he still remembers his friend turn enemy by law. It's been ages since she's seen the Volturi and that, with her gift, had forgotten anything to due with her.

Within a decade passing, Daniella had grown stronger and wiser as she learned more about the hidden world. The bond she shared with Emmett had flourished to the point where their friendship still remains, but romance was born too. Romance allowed them to see each other differently, to make their hearts frozen in time to melt and run wild in their cages. It was what drawled them together and what allowed them to share their first kiss surrounded by the stars, the moon, and a billion tiny snowflakes.

 "You say you had another vision?" Daniella questions one afternoon after she returned from her meal on a lonesome buck. Wiping the excess blood off with a napkin, she raises a blonde brow at her friend. A friend she now saw as a sister. 

  Alice Cullen fluttered her eyes at her words, similar to a butterfly flapping its stain glass wings. "Oh, I did," Alice chirps, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she looked around the kitchen. She was making sure no one was surrounding them, especially Edward. "I saw a stunning girl who will play a big part in our lives."

 As Daniella tosses away the dirtied napkin, she freezes and stares at her. Eyes wide and mouth cranking up into a smile. This was expecting news and she was thrilled with this information.

"Really?" She asks, folding her arms across her chest. "Does she have a name?"

 "All I could hear was Swan," she explains, furrowing her eyebrows in thought. "She was with Edward. They were in a field, laying across hundreds of flowers. The light danced against their skin, they were laughing. Full of enthusiasm."

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