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"Her curls were what created her look, her personality, her everything, but once straightened, she seemed to be different

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"Her curls were what created her look, her personality, her everything, but once straightened, she seemed to be different."


"You're serious?" Daniella glanced up at Rosalie warily, watching as the goddess-like woman plugged in her straightener. "There's a lot of hair to go through." Rosalie shook her head, a small smile growing on her lips. She knew it would take some time to rake through the teen's hair as she had hundreds of curly strands that were begging to be straightened, but she was up to the challenge. It was a dream that came up immediately after she met the girl to play around with her lion's main. It was thick, large, and beautiful. Her hands were shaking with anticipation.

Clicking her tongue, she dismissed Daniella's concerned questions for the woman. "Dear," she began, "as you've learned recently, we vampires are something unique in nature." Badly, she wanted to also let out the word horrifying or grim, or even vile, but for the sake of Daniella, she chose unique. The word could have so much meaning to it. "We don't get tired like humans or get lazy and slack off, well, actually, Edward does that a lot. Damn him" Daniella stifled a giggle at this. "So this will go by fast, maybe, I just recommend for once Alice realizes what we're doing, she'll make you her own personalized doll."

Furrowing her brows, Daniella sent a worrying look to the blond through the mirror. "I wish you and possible us the best of luck." Then Rosalie got to work. Making sure the straightener was ready with a quick spray of water, she took one piece and took a comb and brushed through, dragging the straightener in her hair. Daniella watched, humming softly as she felt she was being fancied up, like when she went to Homecoming just a few years ago. But now, it was a different feeling; a different taste, almost. It was processed to go through and as she saw a sneak peek of her hair, her mouth fell agape and she wanted to squeal when she saw how glowing she looked.

"You look beautiful, Dani." Rosalie complimented as she finished, putting the magical hair device pack on the counter before twirling Daniella's straightened locks. "Absolutely beautiful." Thanking her with a look of pure joy, the teenager bounced out of her seat to find the pixie-like Cullen entering the room with a haunting grin. Daniella physically gulped.

"We're going shopping!" Alice screeched before walking over to Daniella, her eyes sparkling as she played with her blond looks. "And my, my, do you look stunning. Oh, Emmett is going to be blown away!" Rosalie forced a smile as Alice went on about Daniella and Emmett. Sure, the girl loved Emmett still and he loved her, but that love is different now. They've broken up and moved on. He belongs to Daniella and well, Rosalie belongs to her own very special person.

Blushing lightly, Daniella stood up along the ladies. "A-A shopping trip sounds wonderful, actually. I just need to stop by my home and get-"

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