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"They sat there, silently, as she begun to tell her idea

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"They sat there, silently, as she begun to tell her idea. But it seemed as if a new idea rose in her mind and slowly, something developed that would change her."


"You do realize this means like two and half weeks full of fun with your sister?" Looking up at her with her large, blue eyes, Daniella drew a grin on her face. Whisking her hair to the her back and tying it with an elastic, she rubbed her hands together. "So this doesn't count."

"Rearranging is one my favorite activities, Sum." Her hands gripped her bean bag, lifting the chair up in the air before placing in the hall where she would snatch it back in her room later. "Besides, I like cleaning and things during winter, well, except dishes. I hate doing the dishes and it feels like it takes forever, you know?" Not waiting for an answer, Daniella flowed back into her room, looking among her furniture as she silently thought of which piece to move next. Behind her, Summer rolled her eyes, sighing along the way too before flowing into her sister's room. A pair of blue eyes looked up to her inexplicably and when Summer gave her a knowing grin, Daniella matched one.

For hours the blond sisters got to work. Huffs, curses, and grunts echoed the room as they moved the teen's furniture into the way she imagined it. Along the way also brought annoyed looks to Summer's sweat-coated features when Daniella shyly explained that she wanted her dresser on the far left wall. Summer glared at her as she pushed the wooden piece over there. However, the two now found themselves on the couch, an old movie playing on the television as they shared two plastic cups full of kool-aid. It made Daniella miss summer and she was hoping this winter would go by fast. With the snow just building my the weeks, she knew it was going to be a long winter, indeed.

Suddenly, the door got pounded on and the Morgan sisters both furrowed their eyebrows before Summer stood up, wandering to the door. Her eyes widened and she held a finger to her lips. "Carolers." She whispered, slowly backing away fromt the door and grabbing ahold of her baby sister's hand. Together, they shared a look and a firm nod before they retreated into the hallway, the echos of the door being pounded on running through the home. However, once it stopped when the girls were at the end of the hallway, they breathed in relief and shaded a laugh or two before running back in the living room.

It seemed like moments like this were some of the very ones the two were heart warmed the most by. Doing crazy schemes or keeping the most haunting of secrets. It was a sibling or kore so, sister the bond that they shared and they knew it would never break. As long as they were together and the sun and moon still sung every morning and night, things would be swell.

Their life a few years ago was their darkest patches in their quilt of life. Their parents death lit something in them that they never experienced before, it left the two in their dark corners. In there, they dealt with the hardships of life and the understanding of things. When their aunt swooped them under her wing, they were still stuck in the shadows and it wasn't until Summer had hit her senior year that the two grew together once more, fixing the bonds with love and familiarity. Things seemed to be resolved in their eyes. But they still felt that darkness still laid there, covered with beauty and sunshine.

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