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"For when she spilt venom on him, he was damaged beyond repair

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"For when she spilt venom on him, he was damaged beyond repair. She changed him and unknown to her, she changed too."


Summer Morgan, dazed and about to fall over from just waking up, stared down at her younger sister. The space around Summer, Daniella, and Emmett could he described as one word: quiet. Unbelievably quiet. Daniella was beyond relieved to see her sister here, the same went with the burly man that stood behind her. While Summer, running a hand through her tangled locks while the other rubbed her pink nose, blinked faintly at the two. Still processing what was happening.

When she did, her voice was full of confusion, "D-Daniella? Emmett?" She looked between the two before stepping back and letting the vampires into her home. Then she shut the door, locking it in place before she faced them again, becoming fully awake suddenly. Again, silence filled the space between them, but noise was forming when Summer threw herself at Daniella, hugging her sister. The coldness she felt radiate off of the youngest Morgan didn't make her falter, but made her lips curve downwards. It was odd but she didn't question.

  Summer pulled away, letting her smooth hands come onto Daniella's chin, lifting her circle-shaped face. The eldest sister smiled softly, studying her before stating, "Gold eyes, cool." And then she pulled her into her warmth again, holding her tightly as if she let go, Daniella would be lost forever. "You don't realize how much I fucking love, Dani."

  Curling herself into Summer, Daniella whispered back, "I love you so, so, much."

And standing by the couch, letting his fingers trace the rough fabric of the piece of furniture, he smiled at the sisters. How they bonded so quickly, how the past few months wiped away suddenly; they were safe. They were home. Their hearts - both silent and vibrant - connected once again. Summer didn't cry nor did Daniella. Instead, they remained silent, holding each other. The Volturi wasn't on the youngest's mind, for only her sister was.

  "I-I'm sor-" Daniella was cut short when Summer pulled away quickly, covering her mouth with her palm as she glared down at her younger sibling. Shaking her head, a smirk formed on her lips. "Don't apologize, not in our home." And that one word. The very word that she wondered about constantly, that made her eyes glaze over. It made her vision become blurry and it made her lips quiver like she was standing in the middle of winter, bare to her feet. "Now, don't cry on me. There is no need to."

  "I missed you," Daniella whispered before her eyes looked to the side table near them. On there rested a photo of a man and a woman. The female was wearing a bright blue dress with sunflowers scattered across the fabric. Her blonde locks were tossed into a ponytail that rested on her right shoulder and her smile, it was blinding even through the photo. Then there was the male. Standing next to her and looking at her, visible love leaking through his eyes as he stared at her. He was shirtless, only supporting a pair of dirty, dark-blue jeans with his shirt tucked into his back pocket. That was Pheobe and Johnson Morgan. Their parents.

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