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"She dined on the finest way, or better, the finest blood anyone could provide

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"She dined on the finest way, or better, the finest blood anyone could provide."


When her eyes opened to reveal two pools that matched two glittering rubies, Daniella was frantic. Where was she was? Was this heaven?

Or was this hell?

The last time she remembered, she was falling into the depths of the lake whole she accepted death and knowing that everyone else was safe. But now, with her breathing coming out rapid, she realized she was in a room alongside her friend, Emmett Cullen, who looked guilty as if he did the dirtiest crime on the market. So she steadied her breathing to realize something immediately.

Her heart, it wasn't racing as she would've thought it would be doing in this case. In fact, there was no beat and as she stared down to her chest, she could see things that she never saw before. She could see each strand of string that was in the fabric of the dress that she didn't own. She could see each stitch that the designer of the clothing piece did. However, when she placed her hand on her heart, she heard nothing. Absolute silence.

"I was in the lake," she swallowed, her eyes shaking as she stared at Emmett. "I thought I was dead. I mean, I'm pretty sure I was." He couldn't answer, it seemed impossible for his voice to leave him as he stated at her; taking in her new looks. Her main full of blonde hair was turned into a gorgeous golden color that reminded him of the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Her eyes, as terrifying as they may seem to others, were a beautiful ruby color that made him shiver. Then you had her skin, her acne, her scars from accidents, even her freckles - they were gone and replaced by stone-like skin that was an ivory color, much like Rosalie's. And when he neared her, she hesitated. "Emmett..."

Placing his hand on the leather couch she sat in, crouching down to her level, his golden eyes met hers. "Listen to me. You will either hate me or thank me because of what I did." Before she could respond, he twisted his head towards the door and called out for Alice who came just seconds later with a mirror and surprisingly, a wary look painted on her face.

"You look stunning like before," she whispered, handing the mirror to Daniella.

"Before? Before what?"

As she looked at herself in the mirror, she almost dropped the damn thing when she saw her reflection. The woman she saw, it couldn't be her, could it? She had eyes that reminded Daniell of a thousand rubies that sparkled under the light. She had no acne, she didn't have the one scar by her eyebrow that she got when she was three-years-old. Her hair, it was a crisp golden color that reminded her of the moon whenever she appeared with a yellow glow. Then there was her skin- her pinkish tone was gone and replaced with an almost ghostly white color and suddenly, Daniella Morgan realized who she was and the mirror shattered by her feet.

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