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"The memories they shared brought joy in him and not pain

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"The memories they shared brought joy in him and not pain. The lady brought him into a new chapter of his scary life and the chapter finally came to an end. But this time, he's starting a whole book with another woman - his mate..."


Jasper passed the book into Daniella's hands and already feeling her interest and excitement escaping her body as she looked at the title of the book. Twisting the book in her hands, a slow grin appeared on her lips before her attention was drifted towards Emmett as he hollered in triumph as the log was snapped between his hands before being tossed into the gentle flames of the fire that made everything around you ignored as you could only focus on the dance that the flame did. Twists and turns the bright orange and red flames did as they crackled in the fireplace. "Lovely day for a fire, isn't it?" Jasper questioned, her head quickly snapped to face him.

"It is," Daniella answered, looking down at the book before opening it, the scent of the aged material making her sigh out loud. Over by the fire, Emmett watcher her unconsciously as he fumbled with the log in his hand, Esme watched along too, silently enjoying the way he showed his affection in hidden glances. An unheard hum came from her as she watched her family work along to achieve fire and even decorate for Christmas. Edward and Alice were bickering about what ornaments should be placed where on the ginormous tree that they snagged from right outside of their home. You could find Rosalie working on bringing the wrapping paper upstairs, bows tucked under her arm as she plopped her materials down. Carlisle was by the fire, his hand making work as he wrote down a thousand things in one of his many notebooks. His noises of satisfaction filled the room once in a while and well for dear old Esme, she chose to be an onlooker. The way her family moved around and communicated always brought joy to her, especially when she noticed the way Daniella was reading a book about a point in history that Jasper saw with his very own eyes. No one knew if the blond fellow would dare to tell her his story, but for now, things were calm.

Until an emerald-green bulb fell and Alice's sharp breath was taken in.

"Damn it, Eddy." Alice cursed, quickly running off to get the broom and pan while Edward rolled his eyes. Gently placing the bits in his hands, just as Alice arrived, he dumped them into the red pan before returning to decorating the luscious, green tree. However, Alice made a noise in the back of her throat as she exited the room and returning to shove her brother out of the way. Esme rolled her eyes, the golden irises falling onto Emmett as he hesitantly made his way towards his mate: Daniella Morgan.

"I see Jasper hauled you into his nerdy life, " Emmett chuckled to himself as his brother sent him a look of disbelief. Sure, on his own he would agree, but saying it out loud made him almost blush in embarrassment. Maybe his love was right; he can be sensitive at some points in time.

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