[05]: Memorable First Date

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The sun began to set, its rays shone through the windows of the Henderson's apartment. The T.V. was on as Steve made dinner in the kitchen. He could faintly hear the show that was on which was Full House. He chuckled as he heard Michelle Tanner's famous line 'You got it, dude!' as he poured the Fruit Loops into a bowl. He then uncaps a carton of milk, pouring it into his bowl.

He grabbed the cereal box and the milk carton and sat it down at the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. He then walked back over to the counter and grabbed his bowl of cereal. He made his way back to the island and pulled out a bar stool. He sat down and quickly made himself comfortable. His eyes glued were glued onto the TV as he watched an episode.

Suddenly, he heard a loud bang, followed by an outburst of profanity coming from his older sister's bedroom. He craned his neck, silently debating on whether or not he should go check it out. He shook his head. "Nah, she's fine," he assured himself as he resumed eating and watching his show.

Moments later, his view was obstructed as Madison stood in front of the island, hands on her hips as she glared right at him.

"Could you please move?" he asked her with his mouth full.

"Why didn't you come check on me?" she questioned Steve as he moved his head to the left to try and watch Full House. Madison sidestepped to the left, still blocking the TV. Steve sighed and stared up at his sister. "Was someone trying to break into your room?" he asked her.

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