[03]: Meeting Diego Hargreeves

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It was a crystal-clear night when twenty-five-year-old Lauren Jones locked up the bakery shop she worked out. She took the key out of the lock, pocketing it into her purse as she walked down the sidewalk. The streetlights shined down on her.

She walked for a couple minutes; a feeling of uneasiness crept over her. She glanced over her shoulder. A man was a few feet behind her. She then looked ahead again, spotting a man leaning up against a streetlight. He held a cigarette in between his fingers. As she passed him, he took a puff and blew out smoke. 

Lauren kept her head down. She just wanted to get home. Feeling the uneasiness feeling grow larger in her body, she quickened her pace. Suddenly, she heard multiple footsteps behind her. Fearing it was the two men from earlier, she ran. She pumped her arms, her feet pounded against the sidewalk as she ran into a dark alley. With her head turned as she looked over her shoulder to see if the two men were following her, she collided into a large body. 

She stumbled back but someone grabbed her arms. Lauren yanked her arms out of the man's grasp and turned to run. She quickly halted upon spotting the two men from earlier standing at the end of the alley.

Lauren's breathing quickened as she backed up against the brick wall, the three men surrounded her.

"Look what we got here, fellas." The man that she collided into spoke. A black beanie sat on his head; wisps of brown hair fell out. "A real pretty lady and look-" He gestured at her purple purse. "I bet there's a lot of cash in there, don' you think?" the man that smoked a cigarette earlier noted, the third one that first followed her nodded his head. He was wearing all black clothing. The man that wore a beanie stepped closer to Lauren as she shook in fear. He spoke lowly into her left ear, "If you give us any trouble, we won't hesitate to kill you," he said in a dark tone.

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