[11]: Family Reunion

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Steve stood in the kitchen, an amused smile on his face as he watched his older sister bustle around with Alex on her hip. He knew she was nervous about attending Reginald's funeral today.

With Alex on her left hip, Madison dug her right hand into her purse and took out her wallet. She pulled ten dollars out. "Here's the money for pizza incase Paige isn't hungry for mac and cheese tonight." Steve took the money from her and pocketed it away. Madison placed her wallet back into her purse. She then walked around the island. 

Steve grinned as she came closer to him with Alex. He held his hands out, but Madison moved swiftly past him. Steve sighed and hung his head low. "And for Alex-" 

"Madison," Steve began, Madison turned around. "I know what to feed Alex." "I know you do, it's just-" "You're nervous." Madison sighed. "I'm nervous," she confirmed. Steve clapped his hands once. "Alright. Here's the game plan." Madison's eyes sparkled. "Oh, game plan. Yes, let me hear it," she eagerly spoke. "You only have to stay for the funeral so as soon as it's over, you and Diego hightail outta there." 

Madison nodded enthusiastically. "I like that plan, and I know Diego will too."  "Get in-" "Get out," Madison repeated. Steve gave her a smile. "Great." It deadpanned a second later. "Now, hand over my nephew." Madison pouted. "But-" Steve shook his head. "Hand him over." Madison huffed and reluctantly handed Alex over to Steve who smiled at his nephew. 

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