Chapter 8

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Y/N P.O.V;
Not even asleep for long someone spoke. "Hello princess." A roughed voice said. When you opened your eyes you saw a dirty blonde man, about your height, slim, with all black on.

"Who are you?" You whisper. Trying to hide your fear. But you knew who it was..the man who took your sister... his eyes were completely empty. No emotion.

His sinister smile grows. "Let's say, I can help get your sister back."

You remained quiet. Your throat suddenly going dry. Swallowing to try get moisture into your mouth. "Where is she." You demanded. Standing up to stand face, to face with him.

"She is safe. For now. If you come with me i will bring her back. If not I'll kill her." He simply says. Extending his hand out.

You knew your sister could die if you didn't go. Also knowing that Vegeta, well you hoped, he would look for you. But as for Goku. He would not give up. "Bring her here first. Then I will leave with you."

He nods. Going to the your closet. After only a moment you see your unconscious sister thrown over his shoulder. He tosses her on the bed. Quickly going up to her. Checking her body for any scratches. But there is none. She is completely fine. Except a piece of her dress was ripped off.

"There. Now lets go." He demanded. Grabbing your wrist. Pulling you away from your sister. Not fighting back because you didn't want to risk your sister getting hurt. He walked out to the balcony. "Hold on." He says. Picking you up bridal style. You wrap your arms reluctinly around his neck. Scared of what he was going to do if you faught back. But it turns out he ended up flying. Surprising you a bit.

As you were heading past the village you hear an all to familiar voice. "NOOOOOOOO!" He roared. Surprisingly it was Vegeta. Feeling now devastated, wanting to be back with him. But you felt something deeper in you. Anger flowed through you. It wasnt from you though. You wanted to get back to Vegeta.

The strange man flew closer to the ground to remain unseen in the forest. So you took this to your advantage. If you did fall, you would only have some bruises and scrapes. So you punched his nose going up. Breaking it. Making him drop you.

Yelling a bit by the bushes scratching your body. Rolling on the ground until you stopped on your back. Loosing your breathe in the process.

"You bitch!" He yelled from a far.

You didn't see him, which was good. You quickly sat up taking in a deep breathe and making a run for it. You were in the woods but not too far from the village. You silently thanked who ever was watching over you. Holding your dress high up, so you could not trip. Ignoring rocks, twigs, anything that could make you trip or cause a noise. The sun was setting and you were hoping to make it out before he found you.

As you ran through the woods, you were getting scratched from the twigs that you ran by.

"Y/N." He sang. Somewhere above you but you kept pushing. If you stopped he would for sure find you. Keeping to cover and in darkness since the sun was starting to set. You kept pushing through. "I know your here. And when I find you, you can bet your sweet ass I'll fucking make sure you know who you belong too." His voice deadly. Making shivers run up your spine.

Your free hand covered your mouth as you held back a whimper. Terrified he would find you. But as you were reaching the edge of the woods you saw someone.

Quickly hiding behind a tree you saw three people. A tall big, buff, bald guy. With a stupid mustache. A
nother one with super long hair. That was black and went down and spiky? He reminded you of Goku. They were both wearing black spandex, and black armor. Maybe these were sayians. Then noticing the tails. They were. Quickly realising that the last man was Vegeta. He was facing the two men with his back towards you. His hands on his hips. Looking extremely tense.

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