Chapter 10

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Terreance grabbed your arms, pinning you to the bed. "You think you can escape so easily." He smirked. Licking your neck. Making you whimper. He presses himself against you, forcing himself between your legs. "Fuck. You taste good." Kissing you roughly. You bit his lip making him back away. Leaving that smirk on his face as a drop of blood dripped down from his lip.

You were disgusted, scared, angry. "Vegeta will kill you. Make you suffer." Your growled out trying to hide your fear.

"Not before I fuck you." When you looked down you were both naked. Just as he was about to thrust into you, you screamed.

Snapping your eyes open and sitting up. Putting a hand to your chest as you catch your breathe. You realised you were just having a nightmare. When you looked around, you realised you were in Vegeta's room he was staying in. When you looked at the bed, he wasn't their. Making you sad but you knew Vegeta had to do his own stuff. You were sad enough last night. You were not going to break down like that ever again. You promised yourself. Vegeta was strong, nothing could break him down. So you wouldn't be either.

So you stood up, looked at the closest to see a comfortable (F/C) dress hanging on the door. The dress had a v neck that didn't go too deep, but would show clevage. Grabbing the dress bottom you saw how it fluttered at the bottom to look nice.

"Good Morning princess." A gravely voice said. Making you jump slightly. You turned around to see, you believe Nappa.

Giving him a small smile. "Good Morning Nappa." You smiled at him. As he stood to your side.

"My Prince ask for you to get dress and go eat this morning. He will see you later. But you have me and Raditz watching after you. So you don't need to worry." He gave a small smile.

You nodded feeling better that you weren't alone. "That's fine. He has his stuff he needs to do." Looking back at the dress.

"I will be by the door. Get dress and we will leave." He told you walking away.

"Can you wait outside?" You asked. Only because you did not want to change in front of him.

"I'm going to turn around. I won't look. I cannot leave you alone." He told you. As he turned to face the door.

"Because of last night?" You asked starting to get undressed.

"Yes Princess. Prince Vegeta does not want to risk anything happening. So this is the safest way. I apologize if it bothers you. But it's for your safety."

"No." Shaking your head. As you put the dress on. "I understand." Zipping up the dress that was on the side. It hugged your upper body and flowed a bit. It was extremely comfortable, but beautiful at once.

Nappa nodded to himself. There was a silence. It was not too uncomfortable but if he was going to watch you, you figure you would like to get to know him. "So..." trying to find something to say. "Are you, were you one of the princes guards?"

He chuckles slightly. "Yes. I was. Still am. But for the time being I am watching you."

"What do you mean for the time being?" Finishing with the dress. "You can turn around now."

He did so looking around the room then at you. "Well, the Queen though you would like one female guard. If that's the cause then me or Raditz, will go back to watching Vegeta."

It would be more comfortable for you if you had one female guard. Especially getting dress in front of her. "I can understand that." Grabbing the heels that were silver, the sparkles, putting them on. Nappa nodded. "Do you have any kids back at home?"

He chuckles again. "I do. Two." Crossing his arms. Relaxing a bit around you.

"What are they?" You smiled at him. A genuine smile. As you fixed your hair to leave it down for the day.

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