Chapter 15

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Once you and Vegeta reached Kakarot. He was standing in front of a door. You never saw this room before. It was on the very bottom level (The ship had three). You never actually went to the lower one before.

"Where's Nappa and Raditz." You asked.

"Inside. We found Yamcha."

"What?" You asked. "That easily?"

"Perfect." Vegeta smirked.

You felt off about this. It would not of been so easy to just of found one.  Vegeta released your hand just about to walk in but you held his shoulder. "Vegeta. Be careful. I have a bad feeling. We could not find them a week ago. Then all of a sudden one appears. Just be careful."

"I'm the prince of all sayians." Smirking even bigger. But then it quickly went away as he grew with rage. "And he touched my mate." He growled. "Do not worry." Turning away as he enters the room. Letting your hand fall to your side.

You stayed out of the room with Goku who spoke. "It seems as if they might of left him to be found."

"Why do you say that?"

"He was already tied up. As if they were  waiting for him to be found."

"I need to call my father." You spoke. Leaving Goku.

"Princess." Goku reaches out to hold your arm. Making you look at him. "You should not be alone especially with Yamcha now being found."

"I will be fine. I can take care of myself. If your so worried let Vegeta know then come with me. But for now I need to inform my father along with King Vegeta." Pulling your arm away and continuing to walk to the front of the ship.

Kakarot wanted to go but he had to stand guard. He couldn't interfere with Vegeta. So he just send him a message and he would read it when he could.

As you made entered the from of the ship, you asked everyone to leave as you started to make a call to your father first.

It took a couple minutes but he picked up. He looked tired. Some light bruising but he smiled none the less. "Hello buttercup."

"Hello daddy." You smiled back.

"How are you my dear?"

You gave him a serious look now. "We found Yamcha."

"Should that  not be good?" Asking slightly confused.

"He was tied up and left for us to find..did something happen when he..." not wanting to mention it but you had too If you were to figure this out. "When you were beaten.." Looking down for a moment. Then into his eyes once more.

The king looked down slightly. Thinking back. "He just asked where you went. I did not reply. But then....." Thinking really hard. He did get a concussion so it was hard to remember. Then in a moment he snapped his eyes up to meet your. "Yamcha was there for a couple moments. Trying to get him to just leave."

You see him start to get frustrated with himself. "It's okay dad." Smiling reassuringly. "I gotta go. I need to let King Vegeta know of the situation. If you think of anything else let me know." Giving a sweet smile.

He nods. "Of course. Be safe my dear."

"I will." Then hanging up and calling King Vegeta.

His face came onto the screen. He was a bit surprised to see you but still smiled. "Hello my dear."

"King Vegeta we have some urgent news." He has a stern face, preparing for the news. "We found Yamacha. He was tied up and left in a storage room"

"Did you find the others?"

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