Chapter 28

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Vegeta ran into the room. The door was opened. The furniture was all broken, but he saw Peter laying on the ground dead in a puddle of blood. A hole through his stomach. Vegeta looked away seeing some blood along some of the furniture.

"Y/N!" He called for as he looked around.

Then he hears a grunt. "Prince."

When he approaches the sound he saw Bronck on the floor in front of the closest. His leg was blasted off along with his arm. He had blood coming out of his mouth. He was trying to hold on...

"Brock." The prince mumbled. "What happened?" He asked kneeling down.

"I knew he was coming." Grunting a bit coughing up some blood. "He blasted the the door off, killed Peter. We faught."


Brock and Bronx looked into one another's eyes. Brock was determind to keep you safe. Either distract him for as long as possible or kill him.

Once Bronx raises his hand at Brock, Brock quickly teleported in front of him pushing his arm aside. And punching him down the hall. They charged each other quickly. Both of them met a punch.

Bronx smirk as Brock growled clenched teeth. He swore to protect you and that's what he's doing. Brock cared for you. More than he should had but damn he didn't care.

Bronx kneed his stomach then elbowed him as he bent over slightly. Making Brock slam into the ground.

"You will not touch Y/N." Brock growled out as he stood up. Kicking him in his arm making him hit the wall.

Bronx smirked as he kneed Brock then kicked him back into the room. "She is mine. I plain on making her my whore. Making her kiss my feet, along with other parts of me." Bronx smirk. "She will beg for mercy. Hell, she'll beg for more when I'm done." Bronx entered the room again.

Brock growled as he stood up. "Never." He growled. As he tackle Bronx down. Punching his face a couple times before Bronx blasted his arm off.

Brock yelled in pain but used his other as Bronx growled. "Fuck." Kicking Brock off then standing up. He looked towards the closet that was partially opened. Walking towards it slowly, Brock quickly stood in front of him.

"The Prince will kill you." Then Brock kicked him, sending him into the bed breaking it. Bronx growled and charged back at him but Brock dodge grabbing his throat. Kicking him and then tossing him into the table before Bronx had a chance to hit him.

Bronx charged at Brock. Punching and kicking. Even with one arm Brock was blocking, dodging, and hitting back. Determind to hold off as long as he could.

"I'm tired of you. Your in my way." Bronx growled out.

Bronx blasted his leg away sending him to the floor. Coughing up blood. Unable to fight anymore. As Bronx stepped over him to get to the closet. Brock grabbed his leg. Making Bronx look at him annoyed.

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